We serve the church in its mission to the world, how can we serve you? https://t.co/CvHtIksmWG pic.twitter.com/yhTghE5nLR
— Speak Life (@SpeakLifeUK) January 23, 2016
In judgement “God will never forget the needy”(Ps9). Indeed His Spirit-filled Servant won’t snuff out even a smouldering wick (Matt12) #BiOY
Israel, the paradigmatic believer, is born out of fighting the God-man, the Face2Face LORD, (the Angel, Hos12:3) and losing. Gen32 #BiOY
When, ch33, Jacob= received graciously (cf prodigal, Lk15) it's an experience of Christ (v10) ‘To see yr face is like the Face of God' #BiOY
The word of Christ is seed: looks unimpressive, grows exponentially. Pray it would do its work today. #Matthew13 #BiOY
“Reuben said this to rescue him... and take him back to his father. (Gen37:22). Spoken like a true firstborn. #BiOY
Matthew13:44-52 Who is the great Seeker, Finder, Rejoicer, Redeemer? What’s that? Us you say?? Think again http://kingsenglish.info/2015/08/29/pearl-of-great-price-3/ #BiOY
The pure, innocent, beloved son, Spirit-filled, wise ruler is raised from the pit to the throne to save the world. Gen40ff #BiOY
We struggle in the storm. Jesus comes down from on high to tread on the abyss and say "Take courage, I AM, don't be afraid." #Matt14 #BiOY
Judah guarantees his brother’s safety, volunteers as substitute, bears the shame and speaks in his defence. Gen44-45. Ditto Jesus. #BiOY
The worst characters in the Joseph story are the brothers. What do they get 4 their evil? The fat of the land! http://kingsenglish.info/2015/02/12/fat-of-the-land-3/ … #BiOY
Think how dreadfully the brothers behaved. Now how graciously they're saved, forgiven & blessed by the beloved son, the Spirit-filled King.
Israel's God is our God: the Source of blessing, Good Shepherd & Angel (Sent One). He delivers from all harm #BiOY pic.twitter.com/kDcExM2hIa
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) January 24, 2016
The way to inclusion is the gospel. To imagine that inclusion is a matter of tightening *or* relaxing laws is legalism.
FINE 2not call OT "Trinitarian" 4 historical/linguistic reasons
NOT FINE 2consider it "Unitarian."
That fails historically And theologically
Unitarianism is not simple theologically,
nor original historically,
nor basic methodologically.
Yet so many Christians assume exactly this.
Our multi-personal doctrine of God is not a deviation or development from a more basic monadic doctrine. It's precisely the other way around
I'm happy to be the wrong side of history if I'm the right side of His story.
Personal evangelism is not about spiritualising the odd conversation, it's about humanising all our interactions.
Can u really believe the resurrection?
- U mean can I really believe that love is stronger than death? Sure. Can u believe the alternative?
Incredible article by Frederica Mathewes-Green: When Abortion Suddenly Stopped Making Sense
Jonathan Edwards, The Miscellanies: "[God manifests his glory] not that he may receive, but that he [may] go forth..."
...the main end of his shining forth is not that he may have his rays reflected back to himself but that the rays may go forth" #OutgoingGod
Just reassured someone that "it's ok, your faith will never be pure." Trouble is I used voice recognition and faith translates as face.
This "Admirable Conjunction of Diverse Excellencies" in Jesus really is the most compelling truth in evangelism
Man Appointed to Mortal Sorrow. The Blessed God Shall Come Down Teaching. His Death Shall Bring the Despairing Rest. pic.twitter.com/Kzh47Phnhf
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) January 24, 2016
If u only read the OT Christologically where the NT explictly does so u have a low view of the NT. Ur refusing to *learn* from the apostles
Life overwhelms me = fear (Gen15:1-3)
Love overwhelms me = faith (v4-6)
Faith overwhelms fear = assurance (v7-21)
"When ur unfollowed do not unfollow in return. Instead favourite them liberally. In so doing you will heap burning coals on their heads."
Equality does not mean interchangeability. Want proof? Try telling your kids "I love you all interchangeably."
..And writers of worship songs: don't make us sing "We praise You," make us praise. How? Turn the spotlight on *Him* pic.twitter.com/G6SovZ2c9X
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) January 23, 2016
-Clear my desk...
-...alphabetise my files...
-...secure my valuables..
-...and rate my poetry
-As good as Donne
— Scrivolity (@scrivolity) January 15, 2016
Here at Concrete Gardens, we put in the hard yards.
— Scrivolity (@scrivolity) January 21, 2016
I'm through with baroque impersonations. I'm never looking Bach
— Scrivolity (@scrivolity) January 22, 2016
*puffs on a cigarette* "Thomas? I haven't heard that name in years"
— Jeffrey Simpson (@DoctorJeph) January 16, 2016