I wonder how sales are doing? pic.twitter.com/3OCeW0XNJm
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) August 2, 2015
On the cross, the Father offered Christ to the world.
In the word, the Spirit offers Christ to me.
Poor? Brokenhearted? Mourning? Bound? Christ is good news, comfort, gladness, freedom, a robe of praise & righteousness #Is61 #EnjoyYourDay
Just been asked my sexuality on a form. NO idea how to answer. Going with: "Happily married to a woman, thanks for asking."
How is God three & one? The First thing we say is "Differently. God is 1 *Being*, 3 *Persons*. Not 3 beings. Not 1 Person. No contradiction!
"Dear God, once again, I'm *really* sorry for that sin?" "What sin?" (Hebrews 10:17) #EnjoyYourDay
I Really like the English Standard Version. I just wish it used more standard English.
EG: "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy" (Phil 1:3-4)
We spend our lives trying to become wise, righteous, special, free. We have it all in Jesus: 1Cor1:30 #EnjoyYourDay
Your handsome, righteous Warrior King is God from God. He’s soaked with the Spirit of Joy and He LOVES His bride: Psalm 45 #EnjoyYourDay.
A life of faith, hope and love isn't the price of salvation, it's the prize: yours for free in Jesus (Col 1:3-6) #EnjoyYourDay
We call it freedom when we follow our natural desires.
Ephesians 2 calls it slavery.
If that sounds paradoxical, think Addiction
Three guidelines for biblical interpretation:
1) It's the word of *Christ*;
2) It makes wise the *simple*;
3) It's meant to be *preached*.
"Sorry, snowed under" "I'm not a miracle worker" "I wish u hadn't told me that": Things u won't hear from Jesus. #TalkToHim #EnjoyYourDay
"Who are you in the story? *Jesus* is the Good Samaritan. I'm the guy by the side of the road." #nwunited15
Who are you in the story? *Jesus* is Joseph, the Spirit-filled ruler. I'm the brother he forgives and blesses
Who are you in the story? *Jesus* is the bold Seeker and Finder. For some reason He pursues dormant lost me as His treasure (Matt13)
It's extremely significant that Darwin and Dawkins are good writers. Storytelling changes the world
Just imagine it: the Father selecting a sacrificial Lamb "for your sake" - His precious, eternal, spotless Son. 1Peter1:17-20 #EnjoyYourDay
The Cast of Psalms
1. The LORD
2. The Blessed Man/Anointed King
3. The righteous in Him
4. The wicked
Every Psalm's a combination of these 4
When the Lord acts for the sake of His own name He's saying: "I'm not saving u cos of what you're like, I'm saving u cos of what I'm like."
God's glory is expressed in His utter self-giving: in eternity, in creation, in salvation. But we don't suck that grace out of Him, it flows
Sore, Snake-bitten, Sullen? The Son of Man was lifted up for you. Look and live. John3:14f #EnjoyYourDay
#Psalm22 Christ goes to the depths of the earth so He can reach to the ends of the earth.
The Son is the radiance of God's glory. Just as there is no Son-less God, there is no Sun-less glory. God's glory is eternal self-SHARING.
Therefore when God acts 4 His glory it's the very opposite of self-centredness. He is determining always 2b the outgoing, radiant Self-Giver
Eph 1:18-23 – The power of His resurrection is in you, the purpose of His resurrection is for you #EnjoyYourDay
How do u picture the love that God *is*? (1Jn4:8) Not the warm fuzzies of a group hug - it's the love that took Christ to the cross (v10)
“Whoops!” “Never thought of that!” “My hands are tied” “It’s beyond fixing” - phrases our Father never says #EnjoyYourDay
1 Peter has a verse about being prepared to speak. It has 105 verses about being prepared to suffer.
God’s love, which is completely yours in Jesus, is Forever, Fatherly and Forgiving: Psalm 103 #EnjoyYourDay
Some put their bios in the third person. Mine’s in the Second Person (Galatians 2:20)
"I've died and gone to heaven" - words describing a euphoric experience. Words describing every Christian. Col3:3 #EnjoyYourDay
Radical liturgists set the world to rites
I couldn’t bare it if they outlawed nudism.
Anti-nudists are so clothes-minded
The opposition to my nudism consists, largely, of vested interests.
I have an annoyingly brief argument for nudism so bare with me
My stripper name is Mobius. I NEVER show my backside.
- I'm totes soz for making fun of your hearing aids...
- Really?
- Yes, deffo.
The 9th circle of Dante’s inferno is shaped like a noose. I was puzzled, then I thought: Why the hell knot?
My wife's family have no idea why she married me. Pity.
Probably the most helpful movie for your youth group to watch is "Dude, Where's Micah?"
If you don't mind I'll call you a physicalist.
Genesis: Snakes and Ladders
Psalms: Hide and Seek
Galatians: Noughts and Crosses
1Peter: Simon Says
Joshua: Conkers
Romans: More than Conkers
Leviticus: Pass the Pigs
Jonah: Keep Away
Joel: Cricket(s)
Revelation 8: Hurling
1 Samuel 4:18 - Snap!
Matthew 28:2 - Boulderdash
Here's a new poem called "At the Intersection", which I have written in the form of a venn diagram. pic.twitter.com/3fivkycE4b
— Brian Bilston (@brian_bilston) July 23, 2015