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bible-headphones-800-x-325Last week I was at UCCF's Forum. I loved catching up with students and staff and was especially blessed by Terry Virgo's talks on Romans.

Jo Larcombe and I did a track called "On Mission with the Good God" (it's basically 321 in 4.5 hours).

I hear great things about Angus Moyes and Hamish Sneddon's track: "On Mission with the Hearing God" (all about prayer). I look forward to listening to this very soon.

And, for old times sakes, here's Mike Reeves' and Angus Moyes' track from last year: "On Mission with the Saving God."




Don’t-Be-a-Slave-to-Writer’s-BlockHello there. Sorry I haven't been writing very much here recently. I'm trying to write "321" the evangelistic book right now. Please pray for that project if you remember. And perhaps you can help me with something....

At one point in the book I talk about the four fundamental realities you can choose between in the beginning - nothing, chaos, power or love (see here for the seed of the idea). Was wondering if you had any good quotes for each of the options.

If you believe in the beginning there was nothing - life is absurd, meaningless, hopeless.

If you believe in the beginning there was chaos - life is endless struggle and power plays.

If you believe in the beginning there was power - life is a slavery to almighty god or law or fate.

If you believe in the beginning there was love - life is about finding your place in God's family of love.

Do you have any quotes from nihilists, ultra-Darwinians, determinists, theologians or others that would put flesh on those bones?




This is different to a version I demonstrated a few months ago.  Back then I drew the world twice - once with Adam taking it down and once with Christ raising it up.  That's obviously not ideal - Christ saves this world.  So in this version we've overcome that problem with the help of a nifty fold - Christ descending onto this world to do Adam's job right.  I much prefer this version - not least because you get to do a bit of gospel origami!

Learn how to draw 321 for yourself here.


EvangelismHere's the sixth and final 321Go evangelism training session.

The others are:

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6 Handout



Our Words - His Words  2 Corinthians 5:18-21; Luke 10:16

What does it mean to go in Jesus' name?


Prayer for Openings  Acts 16:13-15; Colossians 4:2-6; Ephesians 6:19-20

What does it tell you about evangelism that we need open hearts, doors and mouths?


We've thought about these sentences:

“That’s what I love about Jesus...”
“That problem is far beyond me/us...”
“That’s what I love about being a Christian...”
“That’s what I love about my church...”


A Final Sentence Up Your Sleeve

“What's stopping you becoming a Christian?”


Helping Them Make A Start  John 1:10-13

Explain that salvation is to know and trust Jesus (it's a marriage union with Him)
We do this together with His brothers and sisters (talk about church)
We hear His word (talk about the bible)
We speak to Him (talk about prayer)

If they want to receive Him: Romans 10:9-13 - Believe, Confess, Call


Who Do I Know Who Needs to Know?

How open are they to me?

1. Nodding acquaintance / rarely see em
2. We talk, not very deeply
3. A friendship is there
4. We could talk about most things
5. We talk about everything

How open are they to the gospel?

1. They don’t know I’m a Christian / Don’t want to know
2. They know I’m a Christian but not much more
3. We’ve spoken about gospel things once or twice
4. They’d come to something / read a book
5. They’re open to exploring Christianity in a deeper way

Spend time thinking of 3 friends and how they might meet with Jesus.

Pray for them and for opportunities to share Jesus with them.




321-GO! Part 5


Problems of the Head Luke 10:25-30ff

Coming to Christ is like getting to know a potential partner
Questions are involved, but questions are not the be-all and end-all!
At some point you just know enough to trust them.


Answering Questions: Reframing, Reflecting, Revealing...

We reframe the questions around the Bible’s definitions. (You could use 321!)
We reflect the question back because they too must answer it.
We reveal the gospel focused on Christ and Him crucified.


DISCUSS these questions using Reframe, Reflect, Reveal...

1) If God is all loving, all knowing and all powerful, how can he allow suffering?

2) Religion simply causes wars

3) How can Jesus be the only way to heaven?


A Sentence Up Your Sleeve...

“Can I step back and tell you what Christians believe in 5 minutes...”


Problems of the Heart  2 Corinthians 5:10-21

We want to feel ok with the world But Jesus hits a conversation like a sack of bricks.

We want to feel ok with God So I don’t want to get too involved with ‘the world’

We want to feel ok with ourselves But frankly we’re spiritually dry and it feels like a duty.


How would the Apostle Paul handle these objections? (2 Cor 5)



1. What problems of the head do you feel most keenly? How can they be addressed?

2. What problems of the heart do you feel most keenly? How can they be addressed?

3. Can you explain the Christian faith in 5 minutes using jargon-free language? Try it on each other.



people together arrow


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3




Session 4 Handout

Session 4 Audio


God is a Community on Mission... and so are we! John 20:21-23

Outgoing-ness not so much a decision or act – a way of life.


Not Simply Sent... We Join Him In His Outgoing Life  Matthew 28:18-20; Heb 13:13

If God is outgoing, what does it mean to be godly?


Mission is a community thing  John 13:34-35.

What kind of community reaches the world?
Why should this be so?


We Help Each Other  1 Peter 2:9-12; 4:10-11

What does it mean for church to be a priesthood?

What is the significance of our different gifts within the priesthood?

Remember 1 Peter 3:15 - All are called to use words when the time is right!


A Sentence Up Your Sleeve...

“That’s what I love about my church...”



1. Sometimes it feels like God is up in heaven and wants us to go out and bring people in. How does this teaching challenge that thinking?

2. How does your community think of your church? (Do you want those thoughts to change?)
How does your church think of your community? (Do you want those thoughts to change?)

3. How can the life of church be more invitational? How can you be more invitational?

4. How would you complete that sentence "That's what I love about my church..."? How might you naturally talk about your church family with friends?






How are we one with Jesus?

Vine and Branches  John 15:4-5

Head & Body / Groom & Bride  Ephesians 5:25-30

Ruler and rulers  Revelation 2:26-27

Priest and People  Hebrews 4:14-16; 6:19-20; 7:23-28; 9:23-28; 10:11-14

Champion and Army  1 Samuel 17

Seed of Abraham  Galatians 3:16,29

Son and sons  Galatians 3:26

Anointed one(s)  1 John 2:20


The Privileges of Oneness with Jesus

His Status
His Inheritance
His Family



If you asked the non-Christians you know ‘What is the Christian life all about?’, how would they respond?

How does Oneness with Jesus shape our understanding of the Christian life?


Becoming One with the Son of God  John 1:12-14:

How does someone become a Christian?



People often say “I wish I had your faith!” What’s their understanding of “faith”?
How can people “have faith”?


A Sentence Up Your Sleeve...

“That’s what I love about being a Christian...”



  1. Sometimes people worry that offering Jesus “for free” will lead Christians to be careless about “doing good”. Given what we’ve been discussing, what would you say to that?
  2. Often we worry that we’re not clever or knowledgeable enough to share our faith. How does this teaching give us hope in our evangelism?
  3. What do you love about being a Christian? How could you drop this naturally into conversation?









What’s the big problem with the world?

DISCUSS: “You and I do bad things and fail to do good things.  If we don’t sort out this sin problem now we’ll be in trouble when we die.”

What’s good and bad about this statement?

How would you improve it?


1 Corinthians 15:20-23

In Adam we – and the whole world – are taken down to death and curse

In Christ we – and the whole world – are raised to life and blessings


Shaped by our families

In Adam we share:

family historydisconnection from God.

family traitsdefects: suspicion, slavery, selfishness, stuff-ups

family inheritancedeath.

Our problem is not so much our behaviour, it’s our being.
How will this affect our evangelism?


O loving wisdom of our God!
When all was sin and shame,
A second Adam to the fight
And to the rescue came.
Praise to the Holiest in the Height, J.H. Newman

How does Jesus solve our disconnection, defects and death?

John 3:1-18


A Sentence Up Your Sleeve...

That problem is beyond me. I don’t think I/we can ever solve it, do you?”



  1. How are Adam and Jesus similar?  How are they different?
  2. Someone asks, “Why is there so much suffering and evil in the world?”  Using the teaching of this session, how would you answer?
  3. If you were asked “Why did Jesus come?” how would you answer?
  4. What is the “problem” you’d drop into conversation above? How do you think you could naturally speak about our great need for a Saviour?






THREE          God is Three Persons united in love

TWO               The story of the world is the story of two representatives

ONE               You are one with Adam. Will you be one with Jesus?



 What was there “in the beginning?”  John 1:1-18






From His Family to Our Failures  Matthew 3:13-17

He joins us in our filth to invite us to His Family.


It All Begins With Jesus  John 1:14; John 14:5-10; Colossians 1:15

Which God do you believe in?

Which God don't you believe in?


A Sentence Up Your Sleeve...

          “That’s what I love about Jesus...”



  1. “What’s all this trinity nonsense?” asks a friend. What do you say?
  2. What are the dangers of speaking about an unChristlike God?  Have you fallen into that danger?
  3. How would you complete that sentence in conversation: “That’s what I love about Jesus...”?  What would you say about what first attracted you to Christ?  What would you say about what currently attracts you to Him?
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