Here's the sixth and final 321Go evangelism training session.
The others are:
Our Words - His Words 2 Corinthians 5:18-21; Luke 10:16
What does it mean to go in Jesus' name?
Prayer for Openings Acts 16:13-15; Colossians 4:2-6; Ephesians 6:19-20
What does it tell you about evangelism that we need open hearts, doors and mouths?
We've thought about these sentences:
“That’s what I love about Jesus...”
“That problem is far beyond me/us...”
“That’s what I love about being a Christian...”
“That’s what I love about my church...”
A Final Sentence Up Your Sleeve
“What's stopping you becoming a Christian?”
Helping Them Make A Start John 1:10-13
Explain that salvation is to know and trust Jesus (it's a marriage union with Him)
We do this together with His brothers and sisters (talk about church)
We hear His word (talk about the bible)
We speak to Him (talk about prayer)
If they want to receive Him: Romans 10:9-13 - Believe, Confess, Call
Who Do I Know Who Needs to Know?
How open are they to me?
1. Nodding acquaintance / rarely see em
2. We talk, not very deeply
3. A friendship is there
4. We could talk about most things
5. We talk about everything
How open are they to the gospel?
1. They don’t know I’m a Christian / Don’t want to know
2. They know I’m a Christian but not much more
3. We’ve spoken about gospel things once or twice
4. They’d come to something / read a book
5. They’re open to exploring Christianity in a deeper way
Spend time thinking of 3 friends and how they might meet with Jesus.
Pray for them and for opportunities to share Jesus with them.
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