321-GO! Part 5
Problems of the Head Luke 10:25-30ff
Coming to Christ is like getting to know a potential partner
Questions are involved, but questions are not the be-all and end-all!
At some point you just know enough to trust them.
Answering Questions: Reframing, Reflecting, Revealing...
We reframe the questions around the Bible’s definitions. (You could use 321!)
We reflect the question back because they too must answer it.
We reveal the gospel focused on Christ and Him crucified.
DISCUSS these questions using Reframe, Reflect, Reveal...
1) If God is all loving, all knowing and all powerful, how can he allow suffering?
2) Religion simply causes wars
3) How can Jesus be the only way to heaven?
A Sentence Up Your Sleeve...
“Can I step back and tell you what Christians believe in 5 minutes...”
Problems of the Heart 2 Corinthians 5:10-21
We want to feel ok with the world But Jesus hits a conversation like a sack of bricks.
We want to feel ok with God So I don’t want to get too involved with ‘the world’
We want to feel ok with ourselves But frankly we’re spiritually dry and it feels like a duty.
How would the Apostle Paul handle these objections? (2 Cor 5)
1. What problems of the head do you feel most keenly? How can they be addressed?
2. What problems of the heart do you feel most keenly? How can they be addressed?
3. Can you explain the Christian faith in 5 minutes using jargon-free language? Try it on each other.
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