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For Sermons...

It's an annual tradition at Christ the Truth to listen to Dev Menon's Classic Sermon.


Paul Blackham's teaching is equally fantastic

John B recommends Scott Hoezee’s sermon, “How We See Things–Psalm 47″

And an essay by Stephen T. Davis, “The Meaning of the Ascension for Christian Scholars”.


For Prayers...

The Collects from BCP:

Almighty God, whose blessed Son our Savior Jesus Christ ascended far above all heavens that he might fill all things: Mercifully give us faith to perceive that, according to his promise, he abides with his Church on earth, even to the end of the ages; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

or this

Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that as we do believe thy only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into heaven, so we may also in heart and mind thither ascend, and with him continually dwell; who liveth and reigneth with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.

The South Indian Anglican Collect:

O God, whose blessed Son, our great high priest, has entered once for all into the Holy Place and ever liveth to intercede on our behalf: grant that we, sanctified by the offering of his body may draw near with full assurance of faith by the way which he has dedicated for us and evermore serve thee, the living God; through the same thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.


For Songs:






words here

We thank Thee Jesus, Dearest Friend


And here are a couple of my own:

A kids song about the ascension

A kids song about Jesus moving house (eventually to heaven)

"He Rose Up"

(lyrics below)

He rose up among us, as told.
He rose up the Promise of old.
My Brother in strife,
Assuming my life.
Exalted, the Father’s Decree
He rose up, He rose up for me.

He rose up humanity’s Last
Man’s Answer in life unsurpassed
My Champion living,
God’s life of thanksgiving.
Exalted as I’m meant to be
He rose up, He rose up for me.

They raised Him, my Saviour, on high
Man lifted, accursed, left to die.
My Priest in atonement,
My Lamb in enthronement.
Exalted on destiny’s tree,
He rose up, He rose up for me.

He rose up from death He arose,
Immortal to crush all His foes.
The Lord of all history,
My Christ has the victory.
Exalted the darkness must flee,
He rose up, He rose up for me.

He rose up to heaven, He rose,
Ascended beyond other thrones.
My Friend in high places,
My Fountain of graces.
Exalted, my heavenly Plea,
He rose up, He rose up for me.

I rise up, I rise up in Him,
Emboldened in spite of all sin.
In Jesus attaining,
My destiny – reigning.
Exalted, with angels to sing,
I rise up, I rise up in Him.


I started writing this for an all-age talk, but I think it might not be simple enough for that. What do you think?


He climbed up the hill, the cross on His back.
He breathed His last breath and the sky turned black.
But death could not hold Him, He rose up in might
And showed us the Dawn that's beyond the Night

It was Country walks and heart-warming talks,
Mind-blowing preaches and breakfast on beaches.
Hope reignited, friends reunited,
Feasting and family and grace
And Jesus our battle-scarred Brother,
Speaking His peace to us face to face.

The hill we must climb, it stretches ahead
The footsteps of Jesus, His people must tread.
As night closes in we ask "Is there a Dawn?"
The risen Lord Jesus says "Think Easter Morn"


This is my favourite Gethsemane hymn and perhaps even my favourite hymn of all time.

Pity about the singing (and the finger picking). But I made this one because I couldn't find another version set to "Kelvingrove". If you can find one, let me know.


When you prayed beneath the trees, it was for me, O Lord;
When you cried upon your knees, how could it be, O Lord?
When in blood and sweat and tears, you dismissed your final fears,
When you faced the soldier's spears, you stood for me, O Lord.

When their triumph looked complete, it was for me, O Lord,
When it seemed like your defeat, they could not see, O Lord!
When you faced the mob alone, you were silent as a stone,
And a tree became your throne; you came for me, O Lord.

When you stumbled up the road, you walked for me, O Lord,
When you took your deadly load, that heavy tree, O Lord;
When they lifted you on high, and they nailed you up to die,
And when darkness filled the sky, it was for me, O Lord.

When you spoke with kingly power it was for me O Lord
in that dread and destined hour you made me free O Lord
Earth and heaven heard you shout, death and hell were put to rout
For the grave could not hold out; you are for me O Lord.

Words: Christopher Idle
Music: Scottish Traditional melody (Kelvingrove)


Perhaps one of these might be helpful to you:

An all age teaching on Gethsemane:

It's a game of pass the parcel where the parcel is a poisoned cup. There's a song to go with it:




Little Fish! (Jesus is bigger than death)




Seed Song (Jesus is the Seed who dies and rises to bring life)



Forget the singer, but I love this setting of When You Prayed Beneath the Trees.
This is in my top 5 all time hymns.


Slide25I thought I'd finally collect my songs together into one place.

I tell people I write them for kids (most of them). But I write them for me. And as far as I can tell it's the grown-ups who end up singing them anyway. So. You know...

I reckon a Christian's theology is basically formed by the kids songs they've learnt and the evangelistic outline they use.

So yes, I am indeed trying to take over the world.

By the way, I'm under no illusions that I'm much good at this, but that's never stopped me in the past. And it shouldn't stop any of you either! Seriously. Life's too short to worry whether others will impugn your motives or consider you a show-pony. Who cares. If it's in you, get it out there. And if my unabashed averageness emboldens folks with genuine talent then that's a good outcome.

Below you can listen or download the mp3s. Here's the Youtube Playlist:



(Right click on the name of the song to download it)

321 Praise the Lord    Video


321 Round    Video


Ascension Song for Kids    Words


Don't Be Afraid - Luke 2 Round     Video


Easter Morn (chorus similar to "Firstfruits")    Video


Earth Was Waiting Spent And Restless    Video


Fake Plastic Trees Country Hoedown - A Harvest Song    Video


Firstfruits    Video


From the Squalor    Video


God Said Go - Jonah


God So Loved The World - John 3:16 Round   Video


He Rose Up


How Long O Lord Till Christmas - OT Hope for Christ    Video


Let Me Tell You A Secret - Philippians 4:13 (needs work)


Little Fish - Easter Song      Video


Martian Came Down    Video


Moving Houses - The Egypt Song


My God Is My Refuge - Psalm 18 round    Video


My God Is So Small - Christmas Song    See Video for explanation


Oh Sinner


Our Father Above  Video


Power! - Romans 1:16-17  (needs work)


Rising Sun - Luke 1:78     Video


Shelter From The Storm


Shipwrecked (theme song for the Shipwrecked Holiday Club)


The Boy Who Fell Down A Hole     Video


The Poisoned Cup - Gethsemane Song     Watch The Video for more


The Seed Song - For Easter    Video


When You Prayed Beneath The Trees     Video



I really very badly want to share this music. I want to share it with everyone who is willing to hear. And that is because I have fallen in love with this music.

She then describes a low time in which she encountered Handel's piano music. It sparked her "personal state of wonder. It hit a really deep chord within me."

"...So that's how I got addicted to this music..."

Now the world must know! And no matter how foolish she feels, her passion carries her out to the world.

"I ended up with so many diverse reactions. It really made me happy because so many different responses to one and the same piece, to me that feels like it's really great music."

The most beautiful moment in performance art is when I can convey my state of wonder at exactly the same moment that you are open to hear it.

Then she plays. (Of course she plays, how perverse to merely talk about the music without offering it to us!).  And notice, it's slow moving in a minor key, then an urgent recapitulation and then a glorious shift into the major key.  I wonder why that works?

“Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.” ― Martin Luther

What do we learn about evangelism from this?  Discuss.


Rich Owen and I have updated the words to a great old hymn by WC Smith: "Earth was waiting, spent and restless."  Rich did one version to the tune of Cwm Rhonda.  I've set it to the tune of "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly."

World awaiting, fallen, fainting,
Certain hope with mingled fear;
Hard the dying, long the sighing,
'Surely, Lord, the day is near;
Come Messiah, Earth's Desire,
Hope of nations, generations,
Speed the hour when you appear,
Speed the hour when you appear!'

Dead in Adam, Israel barren,
where the Lord shall claim His own.
God's elected, now rejected,
under curse and law they groan.
Sin abounding, hope confounding,
Wisdom darkened, hating, hardened,
In our pit He made His home,
In our pit He made His home.

Spirit sending, Christ descending,
To a virgin, meek came down.
To exchange a throne for manger,
Through the cross to claim His crown,
Sorrows sharing, burdens bearing,
Weakness shouldered, man enfolded,
Adam's flesh became His gown.
Adam's flesh became His gown.

Jacob's story, stooping glory,
To retrace the path we trod,
Heaven's Dearest, coming near us,
Bearing Man back home to God.
Loving Neighbour, Prince and Saviour,
Priest and Ransom, Brother, Champion,
Son of Man and Son of God,
Son of Man and Son of God.


I've slightly updated the lyrics from what is sung in these videos. See below...

Old School Fanny Crosby Tune DOWNLOAD

Learn as a round... DOWNLOAD



Forever together Three tethered as one,
The Father and Spirit embracing the Son.
Before and beyond and beneath and above,
Our God is a Family united in love.

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the peoples rejoice!
O come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
Be filled by the Spirit with all Christ has done.

The world has a history written by two:
King Adam fell faithless, King Jesus renewed.
First Adam brought darkness and death and a curse,
But Jesus came second -- the fall to reverse.

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the peoples rejoice!
O come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
Be filled by the Spirit with all Christ has done.

Once born into Adam but now we can be
United to Jesus, adopted, set free.
As one with the Son we are given new birth,
His Father, His Spirit and heaven on earth!

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the peoples rejoice!
O Come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
Be filled by the Spirit with all Christ has done.

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