I thought I'd finally collect my songs together into one place.
I tell people I write them for kids (most of them). But I write them for me. And as far as I can tell it's the grown-ups who end up singing them anyway. So. You know...
I reckon a Christian's theology is basically formed by the kids songs they've learnt and the evangelistic outline they use.
So yes, I am indeed trying to take over the world.
By the way, I'm under no illusions that I'm much good at this, but that's never stopped me in the past. And it shouldn't stop any of you either! Seriously. Life's too short to worry whether others will impugn your motives or consider you a show-pony. Who cares. If it's in you, get it out there. And if my unabashed averageness emboldens folks with genuine talent then that's a good outcome.
Below you can listen or download the mp3s. Here's the Youtube Playlist:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?list=PL8dvLpalib_wq0giPo-b7wi4bRUOq-3oz]
(Right click on the name of the song to download it)
Don't Be Afraid - Luke 2 Round Video
Easter Morn (chorus similar to "Firstfruits") Video
Earth Was Waiting Spent And Restless Video
Fake Plastic Trees Country Hoedown - A Harvest Song Video
God So Loved The World - John 3:16 Round Video
How Long O Lord Till Christmas - OT Hope for Christ Video
Let Me Tell You A Secret - Philippians 4:13 (needs work)
Little Fish - Easter Song Video
Moving Houses - The Egypt Song
My God Is My Refuge - Psalm 18 round Video
My God Is So Small - Christmas Song See Video for explanation
Power! - Romans 1:16-17 (needs work)
Shipwrecked (theme song for the Shipwrecked Holiday Club)
The Boy Who Fell Down A Hole Video
The Poisoned Cup - Gethsemane Song Watch The Video for more
The Seed Song - For Easter Video
When You Prayed Beneath The Trees Video
You're right about the adults who end up singing them anyway! But thanks for these mate! Ellie can have some age appropriate theology in the car now!
So how do we buy the album?
Just download the mp3s and you can burn your own CD if you like!
Not sure I can! Sounds like a job for the apprentice!
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