Such a stimulating and encouraging time talking to Mike Reeves about knowing and sharing the gospel.
We talk about his new book “Christ our Life”, as well as the exciting developments at Union Theology. In the second half of the interview, Mike puts on his church history hat and we talk about some giants of the past and how they can help us in our witness for Christ: Athanasius, Luther, Sibbes and Spurgeon.
We talk about Roger's conversion, his lifetime of evangelism, preaching, open air work, tracts and books - including his latest: Before you say “I don’t believe”
How do we discuss ethical issues without descending into moralism or banging tribal drums? How can we speak of the good news when we talk about the good life?
Andy and I discuss this in reference to recent debates over abortion and euthanasia. Is there a way of holding out Christ in the midst of the culture wars?
On this episode we talk about opportunities related to the WW1 centenary.
Recently David Bourne and Andy Johnston put on a wonderful event in Hailsham to mark the centenary of the First World War (see here). It was held at the Parish Church and it seemed like the whole town came out.
First Andy spoke of the causes of the war. Then David spoke of the course of the war. After a refreshments break and act of remembrance, I spoke about Jesus, the Prince of Peace. It was a very successful event generating wonderful gospel conversations afterwards.
Could you put on something similar where you are?
Here Andy Brinkley and I talk about the opportunities of this year and then listen to my 20 minute talk...
Evangelism is high above our heads in the mission of Christ and it's far beneath our feet in service of others. Evangelism is not a technique to learn but a life of outgoing faith: looking up to Christ and looking out to our neighbours.
Andy and I talk about some recent evangelistic opportunities before playing a recent sermon of mine called "Outgoing God, Outgoing People" from Philippians 2:5-18.