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Podcast: Interview with Mike Reeves


Such a stimulating and encouraging time talking to Mike Reeves about knowing and sharing the gospel.

We talk about his new book “Christ our Life”, as well as the exciting developments at Union Theology. In the second half of the interview, Mike puts on his church history hat and we talk about some giants of the past and how they can help us in our witness for Christ: Athanasius, Luther, Sibbes and Spurgeon.

Click here to enter the giveaway of the 6 books mentioned in this episode:

  1. “On the Incarnation ” (with CS Lewis’s intro), by Anthanasius
  2. “Freedom of a Christian” by Martin Luther
  3. “Table Talk” by Martin Luther
  4. “The Bruised Reed” by Richard Sibbes
  5. “Christ’s Glorious acheivements” by Charles Spurgeon
  6. “Christ our Life” by Mike Reeves



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