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Top Ten Posts 2014

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Girl praying in orphanage. New York, 1947

This is my 2669th post at Christ the Truth. Admittedly I used to blog a lot more (pretty much daily for the first 5 years). But I reckon I did enough in 2014 to rustle up this "best of".


1. I choose not to be straight - The most popular post of this year and the one I most hope Christians will take to heart.

It prompted these follow-ups. Again, I think these are issues we need to be crystal clear on if we're going to speak about sexuality.

Why I go after straight Christians

Focus on the Family?

Being heterosexual is WEIRD


2. You last - A response to some atheists complaining about the image above.

Some more engagement with atheists:

Twitter discussion with atheist pro-choicer which totally went fine!

Gullible Sceptics

Who has the burden of proof

The nature of nature

Faith, good and evil

Why the world exists

The People's Republic of #1PUN


3. HeForShe and the Spectre of Spectrums - Comment on Emma Watson's popular speech.


4. Grace aint a carrot, sanctification aint a stick - Some thoughts as Tullian Tchividjian was ousted from The Gospel Coalition.

We do NOT balance license and legalism


5. Thimgamy Jiggery Pokery - Here's what's killing your Christian life: thingification.


6. How to handle questions in evangelism.

And some more on evangelism:

Evangelism is not in our hands

Is that the Luke book?

Apologetics according to Peter

On preaching and not getting in the way


7. Corporate Prayer Performs Poorly Claims New Study - A parody. This is a PARODY. It's actually about preaching.


8. Church is heavenly. Church is where it's at.

So then, is there a place for other professionals in pastoral care...?

Counselling and the Church


9. Everyone knows, it's the cross or hell - That's not just a maxim of conservative theologians, it's just a fact of life


10. Videos


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