This is my 2669th post at Christ the Truth. Admittedly I used to blog a lot more (pretty much daily for the first 5 years). But I reckon I did enough in 2014 to rustle up this "best of".
1. I choose not to be straight - The most popular post of this year and the one I most hope Christians will take to heart.
It prompted these follow-ups. Again, I think these are issues we need to be crystal clear on if we're going to speak about sexuality.
Why I go after straight Christians
2. You last - A response to some atheists complaining about the image above.
Some more engagement with atheists:
Twitter discussion with atheist pro-choicer which totally went fine!
The People's Republic of #1PUN
3. HeForShe and the Spectre of Spectrums - Comment on Emma Watson's popular speech.
4. Grace aint a carrot, sanctification aint a stick - Some thoughts as Tullian Tchividjian was ousted from The Gospel Coalition.
We do NOT balance license and legalism
5. Thimgamy Jiggery Pokery - Here's what's killing your Christian life: thingification.
6. How to handle questions in evangelism.
And some more on evangelism:
Evangelism is not in our hands
Apologetics according to Peter
On preaching and not getting in the way
7. Corporate Prayer Performs Poorly Claims New Study - A parody. This is a PARODY. It's actually about preaching.
8. Church is heavenly. Church is where it's at.
So then, is there a place for other professionals in pastoral care...?
9. Everyone knows, it's the cross or hell - That's not just a maxim of conservative theologians, it's just a fact of life
10. Videos
Should do a top 10 pun tweets of the year. For whatever we do unto the list of these...