Ah, the Aztec priest, there's a man after my own heart
Captain Sacrifabulous. (My altar ego)
Earn £££s from the comfort of your own home. Enrol in our School of Voodoo Acupuncture. Act now and receive a free doll.
Why curse when our stainless steel needles can remotely bless a friend or family member? #VoodooAcupuncture
Cos, you know, you'd stick needles in the doll. But in a good way, see? See what I did? #VoodooAcupuncture
Darn it! http://voodooacupuncture.com is taken. And there's already a Facebook page. 7 likes, if you were wondering.
Lawyers! Remember the Queen of all 1D fans can assist your case. That's right, Miss Direction helps con jurors.
Oh good, as an Australian in England, I've always found it hard to get a fair herring pic.twitter.com/m7xM13cWr2
— Glen Scrivener (@glenscrivener) November 15, 2013
Church: God's mission strategy for the world
You want to 'balance' faith & works? You want to 'balance' grace & holiness? You may as well try to 'balance' a tree & its fruit
Our constant fear: if we're known we won't be loved. But John10:14-15, we are seen to the depths & loved to eternity #EnjoyYourDay
My friend won't lend me his Joseph Heller novel till I've read it! #therearenowords
My seive's better than yours. #HolierThanThou
The 23rd Psalm is Christ speaking - the Anointed One who 'returns' to the house of the LORD. The good news is... His cup overflows to you.
The Word became flesh and remains flesh. He has pledged His life, His future, His very being to us forevermore. #EnjoyYourDay
it's a sob-aphone... A SOB-APHONE, for crying out loud.
The sign of Immanuel is as deep as Sheol and as high as Heaven - the virgin's Child comprehends all things Isaiah7:10-14
Hosea6:6 paraphrase - I want love-passed-on not sacrifice-offered-up #gracerunsdownhill
To enter the kingdom you must become like great warriors? Bible experts? Sinless saints? No - little children. Matt18:3 #EnjoyYourDay
#Ps32 All transgressions forgiven & sins covered. Hidden in Christ. Protected from trouble. Surrounded by songs of deliverance #EnjoyYourDay
1Sam16: David chosen & NOT his brothers. 1Sam17: David chooses to fight FOR his brothers. Election = 1st our reprobation then our salvation
"We must not be nervous abt “parallels” & “pagan Christs”: they ought 2b there—it wd be a stumbling block if they weren’t." Lewis
The door said push, I pulled. Lesser men would feel embarrassed but my *genuine* 1st thought was: "To me, that font communicates 'pull'"
Mitchell Johnson in full flight #Ashes pic.twitter.com/YmsssxTxdX
— Glen Scrivener (@glenscrivener) November 24, 2013
For the empty (children), heaven's gates are as wide as Jesus' arms. For the full (rich young ruler) they are as narrow as the eye of a needle.
Enjoying 'Jesus on Every Page' by @davidpmurray on the train...
"Abraham's faith wrapped itself around the promised Satan-crushing, world-blessing, life-giving Seed of the woman, just as ours does"
"What mercy for Jesus to save David! What compassion for Jesus to save Samson! What forgiveness for Jesus to pardon Rahab!"
"Whenever we read of souls being converted in the OT it is 2 the Messiah they were turned- not 2 God in general but 2 Christ in particular"
<< "They heard the gospel and they believed in the coming Savior"
"Unless we understand that OT saints were saved by grace thru faith in the Messiah we will view them as moralists, ritualists & legalists"
"As the Angel of the LORD, Christ was continually at work thruout the OT- revealing, redeeming, covenanting, interceding, comforting etc..."
Contradictory Celebs: Matt Gloss, Demi More, Bleak Lively #contradictorycelebs
What kind of God is He? The kind that puts everything on hold because a woman in need tugs at His shirt. #Jesus #Mark5 #EnjoyYourDay
Why can't you earn heaven? Because no-one auditions for a Family
What to have with my bacon sandwich: Ketchup or HP? #crowdsaucing
When folks search for "the gospel of"... pic.twitter.com/LjeeTtsPAD
— Glen Scrivener (@glenscrivener) November 16, 2013