"We love because God first loved us." 1 John 4:19
This is such a precious truth and so representative of the Bible's ethic from Genesis to Revelation. Grace runs downhill - from the Father, through the Son, by the Spirit, to the church and then out to the world. Grace is God's gift of Jesus coming down from above. Faith is simply receiving.
But as Paul says in Galatians 5:6, faith expresses itself in love. Having received from God, we pass on to others. This is the whole spiritual and ethical dynamic of the Bible: God's love first, our love second. We're empty before God and poured out towards the world. The order and direction is crucial.
But let's notice what 1 John 4 doesn't say.
It doesn't say: "We love because we've first felt loved."
That might be the ideal situation, but it's not exactly what John says. The Bible is not so interested in giving a psychological explanation for how love is appreciated and relayed. Our feelings of belovedness are not emphasized, the fact of God's love is.
The difference might seem small, but focusing on the wrong thing can end up perverting both faith and love. Essentially what happens is this... we conceive of "faith" as an inner devotional work - a sentiment we must summon or nurse or "get". It's our sense of belovedness that we need to feel. And, we tell ourselves, we must feel loved before we love others - after all we believe in the priority of grace. But it's possible to twist the priority of grace into the priority of us. We consider our inner life to be our first duty and, therefore, service of others is secondary. And right there something's gotten horribly twisted.
You see, what's prior is not our inner life. What's prior is the external, historical, blood-earnest love of Jesus. Indicatives do indeed come before imperatives, but that's not the same as saying the internal comes before the external. No, the point is that Christ's work (external to me) is a tad more significant than my work (whether it's my internal devotion or my external service.)
I say this because I always hear (and I've often thought), "I don't get grace. I know I'm meant to feel it. But it hasn't transferred from my head to my heart, etc, etc." Ever heard or thought the same? What should we say in response?
Well for one thing, let it be said: it's a brilliant and biblical thing to want to 'know the love of Christ'. Just listen to Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3:
I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:17-19)
Here is something to pray for - grasping Christ's love in its infinite magnitude. It's not wrong to want to "feel it"! We are definitely meant to know this love. But notice, 1) it surpasses knowledge. We're never going to "wrap our heads around it", not fully. If we wait until we 'get it' we'll wait forever. And more importantly, 2) we experience this love together with all the saints, as we are "rooted and established in love." I think the 'love' here is very probably love for each other (given how we're meant to be 'together' with others). So you see Paul doesn't tell us to take a holiday from serving the church family while we 'go deep' with God's love. We comprehend God's love in the context of community, as we love and serve our brothers and sisters.
That's why Paul immediately moves on to chapter 4 (church life) and chapter 5 (life in the family) and chapter 6 (life in the world). These things are not a distraction from 'feeling it' but the very atmosphere in which we grasp the love of Christ.
Now, certainly, the order is important. Paul declares the love of God in Christ first. That's what Ephesians 1-3 is all about. He prioritizes the indicatives of God's gospel and he attempts to drive home these gracious truths to the heart. He also lets the Ephesians know he's praying for them - that they will get it. He believes that their appreciation of this love is vital and so he invokes God's almighty power in praying for it. But he moves on. He points them to their church family, their blood family and their obligations to the world. He sets them in the context of their defining relationships and urges Christ-like love upon them.
What should we do if we don't "feel it"? Well we should certainly put ourselves in the path of gospel proclamation a la Ephesians 1-2. (And, please God, may that preaching aim at the heart). We should pray to grasp the knowledge of Christ's love a la Ephesians 3. But we should also get on and serve others in just the ways that Ephesians 4-6 spells out.
If we baulk at serving others the way that Jesus and the Apostles command (because we're not feeling it and we don't want to pretend), what exactly are we implying about the Christian life? Do we think that Jesus has given us 'busy work' until He comes again? Hasn't He simply set out the Good Life for us? When He asks us to serve our brothers and sisters, speak the truth in love, forgive those who hurt us, fulfil our earthly callings, etc, etc, do we imagine that these are arbitrary hoops to jump through? What possible objection could we have to living the Good Life Christ calls us to?
Some will object, Isn't it legalism to do things without 'feeling it'?
Answer: No! Insisting you always have to feel it... that's legalism. As long as we're all clear on Ephesians 1-2, how can "walking in the good works Christ has prepared for us" be legalism? (Ephesians 2:10). Again we have to be clear - salvation by faith is not the same as salvation by feelings.
Other's will say, Isn't it hypocritical to do things without 'feeling it'?
Answer: No! Continually keeping up appearances is hypocrisy. Knowing you're spiritually dry, praying about it and serving others is a tremendous antidote to religious hypocrisy.
Is this just 'fake it till you make it'?
Answer: No! It's a call away from fakery. Our Christian lives do not hold good in our own emotional lives but in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Refocussing our hope there is the opposite of pretence. And it's the fastest route back to a joyful spiritual life.
In fact it's the path to ecstasy. The Greek the word literally means standing outside yourself. And Martin Luther, in The Freedom of the Christian, tells us how to enjoy that state:
A Christian is in ecstasy, outside him or herself, extra nos. A Christian’s ecstasy is in Christ and in the neighbour: in Christ through faith and in the neighbour through love. In faith one ascends above oneself into God and from God one descends below oneself and yet always remains in God and God’s love.
Here's what it looks like to remain in God's love: we live far above ourselves in Christ by faith and far beneath ourselves in our neighbour through love. This is what turns us out of ourselves entirely - it's ecstasy! And it doesn't depend on having to 'feel it.' The feelings will come. But if we start with our hearts we'll find it impossible to get beyond them.
Absolutely excellent. Faith mustn't be all about us and how we feel. Truth is of greater worth than feelings.
Thanks for posting!
Thanks Debs, welcome to my new pad!
Thanks Glen, absolutely what I needed to be reminded about. WIsh the viagra ads were gone though, so I could share it on my church's youth site without looking like a shady dealer haha.
Firefox with Adblock Plus is your friend...
Thanks for this, Glen. It's very helpful.
As far as feeling 'love' is concerned, I think Paul covers that in Romans 5, where he talks about the love of God being poured into our hearts through the Spirit. Then a few verses later, he's saying exactly the same thing as John about the love of God revealed to us in the finished work of Christ.
Thanks Derek - yes the Spirit points us to the finished work of Christ - there the love of God is 'demonstrated'.
Nathaniel, sorry to hear about the ads. I noticed that myself when I tried to share on Facebook. Is that where you saw the spam?
Thanks for this Glen, yes, it is a very real problem among many Christians I know too.
I agree we do not want to make ourselves slaves to our emotions, but I think it is useful to note that the strength of our emotions invariably follows what we perceive in our minds to be most valuable and important to us. Things or people that are important to us produce strong emotions (both positive and negative), whereas what we perceive to be unimportant move us very little emotionally.
For example, the death of a close family member results in all sorts of strong emotions- grief, sadness, anger etc, whereas the tragic death of people in an earthquake on the other side of the world (often) moves us little.
In the same way, our emotions towards Jesus correlate with how important He is to our lives (and this cannot be faked however much we may wish to convince ourselves or others to the contrary). Often, we (wrongly) value other things as more essential to our lives than Jesus- we need the Spirit of the Lord to open the darkened eyes of our minds to see Jesus for who He really is (2 Corinthians 4:4-6).
It is no surprise this seems to be a real problem in the western world, where we are bombarded with material luxuries. As Jesus said in Matt 6: 24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”
I agree with the kernel of what you're saying (loving Jesus reorients our loves) but otherwise, this sounds like one more hoop to beat someone over the head with (mixing my metaphors). Some people (including yours truly) don't express emotions well. Then the cloud hangs over to try and work up a visible (or correct) emotive state to a cognitive reality. This includes the deaths of loved ones.
Emotions are good but when set to this, "our emotions towards Jesus correlate with how important He is to our lives", then we're in for danger. Jesus' measure of our love for him was in obeying his commands. He told us to trust him and love one another and ones enemies. A love not defined in terms of emotional states but for the others' sake.
This is a very good post. Emotions good, but not mandatory to receive Jesus. We live by mercy, not feelings!
Cal, I hope no offence was taken, not did I want to beat you over your head with a stick. I don't express emotions well either (as my wife would attest), but the point is not really about emotional expression. People are individuals and will express themselves in their own very different ways.
My point was emotions cannot be turned on/ off at will, nor generated and manipulated at will. They are simply the end of the chain that begins with the mind, and what you perceive to be really important and valuable to you as a person.
In conversations with other Christians who were struggling with emotions, or lack thereof, I wouldn't ever suggest they need to try harder to love Jesus. Rather, as this web site does, I would seek to keep pointing them to Christ, and all He has done for them.
Thanks be to God that we don't have to feel saved, to know that we are saved.
Thanks, Glen.
Love the new site!
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