The USA had never lost the 4 x 100m swimming relay. Ever. Gold medal, every Olympics. And in 2000 they had Gary Hall Jr swimming the final leg - the "extroverted" 50m gold medalist who predicted the USA would "smash" the Australians "like guitars."
Here's how the Australians responded in front of their home supporters. (USA is in lane 4, Australia in lane 5 (i.e. nearer the camera).
That's the power of home advantage. Over to you, Team GB!
What are your favourite Olympics moments?
I remember this moment. Great to bring back the memories. One of my favourite moments is the Ben Johnson 9.79 100m race in Seoul 1988. I still remember watching it live and where I was, and then the shock a couple of days later when he was stripped.
Yes I remember too. As a ten year old I was jubilant that Lewis eventually won. His efforts in '84 were my first Olympics memories.
Not Sport, but certainly memorable and 'Happy Friday' material.
Wiff Waff's coming home!
The torch arrives in Hyde Park earlier this week, and the Mayor rallies the crowd in a way that only he could.
BoJo better have a speech tonight.
Here's some deliberate comedy videos:
Boris rehashed by cassetteboy (with a Chris Morris cameo at the end and a rather rude cartoon bit).
Eddy and Patsy break all sorts of rules after carrying the Olympic Torch
Now I've worked out how to get embedded youtube videos here, here's the Boris ones again:
Olympic handover speech:
Torch arrival:
Cassetteboy spoof: