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Trinity rant # 287

From a random internet sermon I listened to this evening:

God does not react.  He cannot react. God is pure initiation.  He only leads.

Where has this assumption come from?  Not trinitarian reflection.

Where does it lead?  Philosophical determinism.

What would it look like to begin with the living God Who initiates and responds, Who leads and follows?


0 thoughts on “Trinity rant # 287

  1. kc

    Glen I would say that, rather than leading to it, this perspective stems from Determinism but I still join with you in rant #287.


  2. glenscriv

    Yes Casey,
    This one's a bit of a 'chicken and egg' now you mention it. I see your point! I wonder if you asked the preacher why he took his philosophically deterministic view he'd respond with something like "We must honour God as GOD and give GOD the glory." As though it were obvious how the living God is honoured or glorified. I guess I'd say that at that point his doctrine of God would become (no pun intended) determinitive.

    Glad not to be ranting alone ;-)

  3. Rich Owen

    The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.

    The Lord replied, I don't react, I can't, I only initiate, so I'm just going to stay right where I am thank you.

  4. Rich Owen

    The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.

    The Lord spoke and said, just to let you know I don’t react, I can’t, I only initiate. If I want a footstool, if that isn't too anthropomorphic for you, I'll get one for myself . Are you listening? The Lord sat down anyway and started to hatch a plan to execute his earthly ministry as a monad.

    It makes a mockery of EVERYTHING doesn't it. Stoopid.

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