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Incarnation and salvation

ok the Christmas clock is against me.

So let me just say that for all the talk about incarnation manifesting the triune glory and incarnation giving coherence and consummation to creation, the biblical emphasis falls overwhelmingly on salvation as the reason for incarnation.  (Though of course the interconnectedness of God's outgoing being, creation and salvation ought to give us much to chew on!)

But let's realize that Jesus comes as Saviour.  And Saviour from sin.

John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. 

1 Timothy 1:15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst.

 1 John 3:8 The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work.

How's it all work?  Well due to time constraints, let me simply link to a sermon I preached last year from Hebrews 2Audio here

Christ as the Seed of Abraham (singular) lays hold of us, the seed of Abraham, (plural).  He sums us up so as to be our substitutionary Lamb and merciful High Priest.  He lives our life, dies our death and now presents us to the Father in Himself.  Therefore...

"As you look into the manger this Christmas, look with irrepressible hope.  There, in the face of Christ, you see not only the Father's self-giving love.  There also you see yourself.  There in the manger is your humanity laid hold of by Immanuel.  There is your life, hidden with Christ.  And His victory is your victory, His future is your future, His righteousness is your righteousness, His joy is your joy.  God has gotten hold of you, permanently, irreversibly.  Christmas guarantees it."

I wish you all God's blessings in His Son.  Rejoice that they flow to you because today He became our Brother.  Happy Christmas.


6 thoughts on “Incarnation and salvation

  1. Missy


    Some of this series went slightly over my head (only slightly!) - but I think I get it, and again you point me to Christ - which is REALLY getting it, you might say. :) I will listen to the linked sermon very soon. You are a blessing, brother, and your preaching Christ, in real words and thoughts people think, brings me great peace. Happy Christmas!

    I noticed snow. I do see snow, right? I'm questioning my sanity. Please say I should see snow...

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