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In the bleak midwinter – part 2

In my previous post I discussed how appropriate it is to celebrate Christmas at winter.  It is the celebration of Light dawning upon those walking in darkness.

What I find fascinating is the human determination to subvert God's intentions for the season(s).  Those (in the northern hemisphere) who hold Christmas in the dark determine to fashion their own light from their own dark materials.  They turn Christmas into Winter-fest.  Almost a celebration of the darkness or at least calling 'light' what is only darkness apart from Christ. 

Those (in the southern hemisphere) who hold it in the light turn Christmas into a Summer-fest.  A celebration of sunny circumstances.  Yet again such lights are darkness apart from Christ. 

The only answer must be to celebrate the Light shining in darkness.  And to know that we are darkness and only He is Light.   If we truly embraced this then:

A) We would stop being idolaters - worshipping family, feasting and festivities.

B) We would be able to truly enjoy family, feasting and festivities since we recognize that such things are not our Saviour - but Christ, the LORD is.

C) We would have good news of great joy for *all* people, including the grieving and suffering.  People need to know that Christmas is for people in dark places.  All is darkness around - let's not pretend any different.  But the Other-worldly Light has dawned.  Look to Him.


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