This week Andy and I talk about delivering an evangelistic talk.
We discuss my (tongue-in-cheek) 10 commandments for evangelistic preaching (below):
- Thou shalt worship Christ from the pulpit.
- Thou shalt communicate the newness of God’s revelation.
- Thy tone shalt be declarative and devotional.
- Thy method shalt be expositional and christocentric.
- Thou shalt not preach “the passage” thou shalt preach Christ from the passage.
- Thy fevered entreaty shall not be ‘DO’ so much as ‘LOOK’.
- Thou shalt not apologize for the word
- Thou shalt not be clever
- Thou shalt not go searching for illustrations.
- Thou shalt not go searching for jokes.
And how can you tell if you’ve done a good job? Ask yourself these questions:
Have I communicated JESUS - has He been the centre of it all?
Have I used or abused the passage?
Have I encouraged confidence in the flesh or faith in Christ?
Have I taken people on a journey from Adam to Christ?
Have I offered promises or simply stated truths? (In other words, Have I offered Christ?)
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