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Tweety Piles

Habittualy-Twitter-WallpaperBorn ever-hungry, hating our need
Despising dependence, demanding our feed
Since Adam&Eve
We cannot receive

Your Father is Saving Mercy personified, Jesus is Kindness on legs, the Spirit showers u with renewal & rebirth (Titus 3) #EnjoyYourDay

"All the theology of the councils is found in this statement: Christ shows us what it is 2b God by the way He dies as a human being." J Behr

"In our culture we try to live as Hedonists then die as Platonists." John Behr

Jesus is not just the start or the finish. He’s the Way. He comprehends you & the Father and all distance between you #EnjoyYourDay

“Fear not little flock, it’s your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)

The Brazilian authorities R simply reminding protestors of the good manners 4 which their premier city is famous. IOW reading the "Rio Tact"

When it came to the crunch the disciples didn’t seek 1st the Kingdom, they fled the King. Yet the King pursued them thru death 2 say “Peace”

To cover, cleanse and cry
To purge & purchase, pacify.
To cover, cleanse, set free
His blood availed for me.

Be aware. My imaginary teddy will mentally undress you.
IOW: Bear in mind my bear in mind will bare in mind.

#FilmPrequels Penultimate Tango in Paris,
Old Men Ask For Country But Don't Say Please

#filmprequels Scrooging


<< Conclusion: Maybe we're not the rational, truth-seekers we think we are.

<< Good on him :) (@DerrenBrown) It's worth thinking about why we all fall for hoaxes - even @DerrenBrown. None of us are as sceptical/rational as we'd like to think we are


In Christ, all mistakes are redeemed. All sins forgiven. All sacrifices repaid 100-fold. So what do u want 2 do today? #EnjoyYourDay

Dear Christian, your sins and lawless acts I will remember no more. Love, your Father. (Heb 10:17) #EnjoyYourDay..

You know that death you fear? You died it 2000 years ago. Now you are raised, vindicated and reigning. #ChristIsYourLife #EnjoyYourDay..


Christ loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood. (Rev 1:5) #EnjoyYourDay

God gives faith because God gives promises. IOW God's promises create our faith.

"Faith is a gift" does not mean God is grudging or partial. He freely gives the faith-creating-gospel.

"Faith is a gift" means God's determined always 2b the Faithful One towards us: always the One eliciting our trust by His own grace&goodness

Mind palace = mind dungeon RT @PLeithart: "Every shutting up of the creature within the dungeon of its own mind is in the end Hell." CSLewis

Feeling empty, dry, hungry? You’re meant to be. But Jesus is your Fulness, Fountain and Food. #EnjoyYourDay

Apparently no roads lead From Rome. There's no two-ways about It.

I know it's odd to carry my teddy around but bear with me.

In Genesis 1&2 we go from the simple to the complex: seeds=>plants=>fish=> animals=>Adam=>EVE. Where's it heading? To her. It's a love story

Your Brother rules the world, forgives all yr sins, redeems all yr mistakes & continues 2 speak kindly 2u (Gen 50:14-21). #EnjoyYourDay

A god of the gaps aint really God. And a naturalism of the whole aint really naturalism.

It's not simply that 'Jesus is God'. Far deeper and far more wonderfully it's that 'God is the Jesus-God'

Luther prayed: “O Lord, deliver me from Christian churches with nothing but Christian saints in them..." >>

"I want a little flock of faint-hearted people, weak people, who know&feel their sin, their poverty&they believe in the forgiveness of God”

The temple drummer refused to accompany the service but I had him bang to rites.

Phwoar, that binary code! That's a noughty one

I've invented an abbreviated form of morse code - for when you just want to dash something off.

For linguists, translating the Bible for the blind is the Holy Braille. (It's the weekend, cut me some slack)

The gift of tongues: an acquired taste

My favourite fish opera is the one with "O For Tuna": Carmena Piranha -- Shut up, the morse code one was Brilliant.

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