“Christ is completely wrapped in the Scriptures, just as the babe is wrapped in swaddling clothes. Preaching is the manger in which he lies and is apprehended, and from which we take our food.” -- Luther's Sermon on Luke 2
“Even if Christ were given for us and crucified a thousand times it would all be vain if the Word of God were absent and were not distributed and given to me with the bidding, this is for you, take what is yours.” (LW 40, 213)
I believe a return to Luther's theology of the Word might be the most powerful catalyst for change our churches could experience. Luther would have us proclaim Christ with a confidence and liberty which would be utterly transformative.
I ran these seminars for the Staff Team of UCCF Wales. I discuss issues like...
Luther's three-fold understanding of God's Word
The Ministry of the Keys
The Real Presence of Jesus in Proclamation
Law-Gospel preaching
Christ-focused proclamation
I also recommended this paper by David Lotz as preparatory reading