Every now and then I attempt a 40 minute summary of Job.
Here's a recent effort:
What is our Consolation in Sorrow?
Worse things happen @sea? Count blessings? Lightning doesn’t strike twice?
God's got a plan? Gotta keep trusting?
My fave: “Nothing a resurrection won’t fix!”
Job=story of man. => Story of suffering.
Job 1 – Wooded Place, East, Upright Man, Animals, Satan ruins everything.
Remind u of anything?
Satan’s Place: Planet earth; Premise: People only love God if they’re paid.
Satan’s Power: Under God’s.
The leash is as long as the LORD decides. BUT: v20-22
Job 2 – Not just wealth and family, health too. Here come the “Friends”.
Their silence is the best thing they offer. The trouble comes when they open their mouths.
Job 3:1-5 – How would you summarize? “I wish I was dead.” That’s not sinful!
Burden of Job’s speeches: I really am upright, I really am suffering!
There is such a thing as innocent suffering.
Bad things really do happen to good people just as good things happen to bad people.
Job 4:7-9 How would you summarize? “What goes around comes around!”
We all fall into this fleshly way of thinking. We like to imagine we’re safe if we do good.
We HATE suffering we can't do anything about.
So we blame sufferer cos we want to believe we're in control. But we're not! And suffering should teach us that.
Job 8:1-6 Summarize? Job 11:13. Summarize? Job 12:1! Sarcasm is great! (16:1-3; 26:1-4)
Job 16:16-21 In midst of suffering we need 2know Witness; Advocate; Intercessor; Friend!
Job 19:17-27: Redeemer; Earth; Flesh; See.
Job 38:1-11,19-21: The LORD shows up! Not with a cup of tea and a shoulder to cry on!
Whirlwind! He humbles Job, makes him see: We can’t weigh it up. We can’t play God:
Job 42:1-6: Job never gets an answer to his why questions (he asks 20 times).
Job gets an experience of the LORD and he gets resurrection! That’s what we really need!
Job 42:7-9 Notice Job’s title: “Servant”. Prays for friends, makes sacrifice, accepted. Remind you of anyone?
This really is the story of man, taken down through Satan into suffering and death, but raised up again through the righteous Servant of the LORD.
Have you been prayed for by Jesus? Have you claimed His sacrifice for your own?
Job 42:10-17 Twice the original. Not just Eden regained – the world glorified.
Jemima: Sunshine. Kezia (Cassia): aromatic. Keren-Hapuch: little makeup box.
There’s nothing a resurrection won’t fix!
I'm friends with you father in California. Pretty cool stuff here. I really like Hugh Ross' book Treasures in the Book of Job in which he shows that God gave humans a solution for global climate change over 4000 years ago in the Book of Job.