Your sins call down grace, your sufferings - comfort, your death calls you home. Life's very worst can only make u better #EnjoyYourDay
Christianity has a direction. "The dwelling of God with man" is the point. Let the direction interpret the details.
Forever the Spirit anoints the Son. Now He anoints His Bride. Soon He'll anoint the earth & the deserts will bloom (Isaiah 35) #EnjoyYourDay
"Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." Jesus follows back #EnjoyYourDay
“O Lord, deliver me from Christian churches with nothing but Christian saints in them...
...I want to remain in and be part of a church which is a little flock of faint-hearted people, weak people...
...who know and feel their sin, their poverty, their misery, and they believe in the forgiveness of God.” Martin Luther
Feel like throwin yr hands up in the air? He's got the love u need to see u thru #EnjoyYourDay
"It is not my state of heart that makes my righteousness better or worse; my righteousness is Jesus Christ Himself." Bunyan
If u knew Jesus was praying 4u in the next room, what confidence u'd have! Distance makes no difference. He's still praying.#EnjoyYourDay
Going back over King's English (4th quarter out asap). Every "application" is about generosity. Of spirit (forgiveness) or of wallet (money)
Why are so few of our "biblical applications" about generosity? Is it cos we think we have a stingey God?
His might dwarfs yr problems: they're a drop in the bucket. His meekness draws u near: like a Shepherd gathering lambs. Is 40#EnjoyYourDay
The more you tell me 'what kind of person' you are the more I doubt your powers of self-perception.
Happy endings are stories that haven't finished yet. #MrandMrsSmith#cynicism
Enlightenment view of humanity: atomistic. Bible's view of humanity: Adamistic.
God's goal in setting up the world is not focussed on *us* taking responsibility for *our* handiwork, but Him taking responsibility for His.
Crazy new evangelistic strategy: Pray! #ItJustMightWork
<<Here's another idea: Drop into convo the phrase "...Yeah that's what I love about Jesus, He's..." Can't finish sentence? Don't evangelise!
<<Another phrase for evangelism: "It's different at my church. People really..."
"The trivialness of life is done away with by the Incarnation" GM Hopkins
"The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from shook foil." Hopkins
Either God loves you to death or Jesus has been sending crazy mixed messages. #EnjoyYourDay
Heterosexuality is unbiblical. Can you imagine Jesus teaching the disciples "Let your sexual desire be unto the multitude of women"?
You may be in the darkest part of the valley. Even there u r clothed in Christ, filled with His Spirit, adopted by His Father #EnjoyYourDay
Someone just likened my preaching to a young Nick Clegg! All I can say is, I'm sorry
The life believing / Does not hold. Ever receiving / Always told. Never having / Being filled. All excess / Is gladly spilled. #poetwee
Though clouds may hide it, the Light of the world has risen, the darkness is defeated, it's a completely fresh start #EnjoyYourDay
The Trinity & Headship by @mike_reeves Fight hard against Arian complementarians, but Trinitarians cannot deny headship