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Even Further Yet More Tweets

Arguing *against* a "naturalism of the whole" is not arguing *for* a "god of the gaps."

If you want to know Christ in your own heart, first know that you are on His. (Ex 28:29; Heb 7:25) #ExtraNos

NOWHERE exhibits life-sharing, grace-giving, hope-offering love like the body of Christ

Christianity is not proved in the debating chamber but in the local church.

Why has Christ been appointed Head over everything? For the church. For you! (Eph 1:22) #EnjoyYourDay

Jesus doesn't just give u a fresh start. He IS the Beginning (Col 1:18) All things are eternally new in Him. U especially. #EnjoyYourDay

#Trinity #Illustration: Aldrin *Captures* Armstrong *Captivated* by the *Truly Captivating* (and world's invited into his wonder)

Through Jesus your sins are covered, carried and cancelled (Psalm 32:1-2). #EnjoyYourDay

"Even our repentance sucks." Rod Rosenbladt

"God promises to raise the dead, but only the dead." Mark Mattes

And God forgives sinners. But only sinners.

There's either a lion on the loose or a surfeit of sluggards in Essex (Prov 26:13). You decide!

The flesh may have a hump, but not the Spirit. We can live off past human glories, but not spiritual ones. We must always "be filled"

The Christian is in "the Kingdom of God's Beloved Son" (Col 1:13). "Behold my Well-Beloved" is the air we breathe. #EnjoyYourDay

Available, Life-giving, Devoured by the world, Broken for you: Jesus is the Bread of life. #EnjoyYourDay

The blood of Jesus is so precious, it can even save Christians.

The blood of Jesus turns away wrath, purifies from sin, cleanses yr conscience, brings u near 2 God & speaks in yr defence #EnjoyYourDay

The Lord says "Come!" Your only qualification is thirst. Isaiah 55:1-3; John 7:37-38; Rev 22:17 #EnjoyYourDay

Jesus is not the best Word, He's The Word. Not the best Image: The Image. Not the Seal of a series of improving revelations. The Revn of God

The only true and lasting foundation for humanism is God the Human.

Just preached with stabilisers on: surrounded by marriage & Lord's Supper & followed by "My Song is Love Unknown". Can't go too far wrong!

I've read to the end. It turns out really well apparently.#EnjoyYourDay

Through Christ's death *you* are dead to the 'old man', the flesh, sin, wrath, the law, principalities & powers & to the world #EnjoyYourDay

I'm brave when I imagine entering others' battles but cowardly in facing my own. Perhaps we should, I dunno, humbly encourage one another

Your loving Father stands against every hell-bent tendency in you. Good news: He won't let you destroy yourself!  #EnjoyYourDay

No wonder Christians are so burdened. They keep getting told Jesus "cleared a way" so that *they* can have a relationship with God

I can "have a relationship with God" as easily as I can ascend into heaven. Christ is my only hope.

If I'm in Jesus, He's taken me all the way to the Father's right hand. If He's merely cleared a path I'm absolutely stuffed

He's magnetic, heroic & this world's true Champion. He knows you by name, prays 4u constantly & longs to see you face to face.#EnjoyYourDay

"His name is the happy God, and nothing gives him greater happiness than to give happiness to his creatures." (Spurgeon) #EnjoyYourDay


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