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Yet More Twit-Bits

Some recent Tweets from me.
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When we blame "the media" and "size zero models" for our culture's body issues, who's being shallow?

Sermons don't prepare you to meet your Maker. Sermons ARE meeting your Maker.

Preaching is not preparation 4 stg else (eg right living). It's proclamation 4 here&now. God IS speaking presently &personally

I sigh for the day when sighing will be no more. Isaiah 35:10

The heavens are evil. Our creators are killers. We must make contact &sacrifice ourselves 2 save. #gospelaccording2prometheus

We are brilliant and broken. Trouble is we're always trying to attach the word "uniquely" to one or other of those descriptions.

Don't be man-centred, be Man-centred. God is.

Islam: the bad (Judas) dies for the good (Jesus). Christianity: the good dies for the bad.

I in Christ am put to death. Christ in me implants new breath. Galatians 2:20

Christian teaching on sex, pre and post marriage: Dirty, Dirty, Dirty, Dirty, DUTY

"It's not good news, it's the truth"- a friend's summary of much conservative evangelical preaching. 2often 2true!

While u were His enemy He died 4u, cleansed u, justified & adopted u. Now that ur His beloved, will He dis-adopt & damn you??

Arguing 4 the necessity of hell is like arguing 4 the necessity of the devil. It's real, eternal, fearful but not *necessary*

The Father’s bright Radiance is a light always going out into darkness to transform it (Matthew 5:38-48)

Divine Perfection = love 4 enemies, the wicked & the unrighteous. It's mercy 4 sinners. His glory is His grace (Matt 5:38-48; Lk 6:36)

Look up all the words of "The Angel of the LORD" in the OT. Then ask: Is He Liar, Lunatic or Lord? You can't have a mild opinion of Him!

Just imagine what might happen if we recaptured a true theology of the Word. #reformation

A good golfer can play the ball from wherever it lies. Jesus is like that - the redeemer from *all* harm: Gen 48:16. #redemption

Dear Preacher, don't aim to strengthen the shiniest 20% - bind up the bruised and broken 80%. Actually the shiny ones are broken too!

Jesus ascended blessing us and He hasn't stopped - Luke 24:51 :)

Don't read me the recipe, serve up the food. Don't preach *about* the gospel, give me Christ.

Look at any of the gospel events - incarnation, life, death, resurrection or ascension of Christ - & try telling me that God is self-centred

Christ doesn't die for us *so* He can love us. He dies for us *because* He loves us.

All you've ever got is Christ's righteousness. All you ever need is Christ's righteousness. Enjoy your day.

Preacher, pay attn 2the tone of the songs, prayers, confession &creed: Devotional, declarative, doctrinal. Does the tone of yr sermon match?

Brighton: home town of the elder prodigals - a far country full of older brothers. Even the name's an imperative: Be Right On!

Either live by the external Word or die by a thousand internal judgements.

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