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The Poisoned Cup – All Age Teaching on the Cross

Here's something I did for a school assembly 7 years ago.  I've been wheeling it out as an all-age sermon / kids teaching  ever since.  It's a game and a song that teaches the Garden of Gethsemane.  Feel free to rip it off - that's why I'm posting it :)



Drink up, Drink up, the poisoned cup!
Drink up, Drink up, the poisoned cup!
It’s full of gunk and it’s full of junk,
But without doubt, it must be drunk!

My Lord, my God, what will you do,
My Lord, my God, you jumped in the queue.
Jesus, Man! how can it be,
That you my God, drank the cup for me!?

Now I know, now I’m sure,
You love me so much, you couldn’t love me more.
You took the pain, so I could gain
Eternal life, forever more!


3 thoughts on “The Poisoned Cup – All Age Teaching on the Cross

  1. Michael

    This is so creative! Great stuff Glen and thanks for sharing :)
    Even though i don't do assemblies atm, if one day I do then I'll be sure to use some of the ideas here!

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