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“The King’s English” Daily Devotional – Out Now!

Travel through the Bible, phrase by phrase, with this daily devotional from the King's English.

The first quarter takes in Genesis to Ruth - "In the beginning" to "Shelter under his wings."  Each day there is a suggested reading and then thoughts from Glen Scrivener.

Day by day you'll be drawn to the centre of the Scriptures - the Lord Jesus.  These are not daily pep-talks aimed at the will.  They are daily doses of the grace of Christ to warm your heart and establish you in the truths of the gospel.

Order now to be ready for January 1st!

1 thought on ““The King’s English” Daily Devotional – Out Now!

  1. Tim Vasby-Burnie

    Hi Glen, I just used the contact form on your post at to send a message but, seeing as how it sent me through to paypal, I wasn't entirely sure the message was going to reach you.
    I'd like to know costs for 20 copies. Or maybe 30. Could you e-mail me?

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