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Is anyone keen on a mission to St Paul's?

J John, the Church of England's foremost evangelist, has written about the protests outside St Paul's.  He notes that the phrase "What would Jesus do?" is placarded at the campsite...

In this context it may be particularly appropriate to ask, ‘What would St Paul say?’ I have little doubt that he would advocate preaching good news to the captive audience outside. It’s not a bad idea!

Now that they're not being forcibly evicted, it's not only a good idea, it's totally possible.  So I've written to ask if he'll lead the way.  But whatever he says, is anyone else up for a mission to St Paul's?  Be great to proclaim the real City of justice and peace.  In the gospel we have a truly revolutionary vision for the world.

0 thoughts on “Is anyone keen on a mission to St Paul's?

  1. James Watts

    If you go, let me know when. If I can't make it I'll pray while you're there! By the way Glen, we met very briefly at a UCCF team day last year, I'm a friend of Dave Bish.

  2. Rich Owen


    A friend in Leeds who is an evangelist was round for a cup of tea - just left and we were pondering. I think he said he was in London at the weekend anyway. I'm game if I can get there....

    They'll either leave or get converted :-)

  3. Si Hollett

    I'd very much be up for going and am free (I have some stuff I need to do by the weekend, but I have a blank schedule) and pretty close by! Email me sh1604 at or facebook me.

  4. Jenny

    'what would Jesus do?'...'let me tell you what he's already done...'

    Sounds like an excellent idea - keep us posted & we'll pray. Might be able to provide space to kip in London if needed but need to check.

    Sent from my iPhone

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