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Seminars on the Word of Christ

Dave Bish has five seminars I gave to some UCCFers on Monday and Tuesday.  I had no idea at the time, but apparently they add up to six and a half hours!

It was basically Three-fold Word stuff with some other teaching thrown in - Doctrine of God, Christ in Exodus, Trinity in Isaiah, David & Goliath, Christ in the NT, Luke 15, What is repentance?, etc.

It was a brilliantly enjoyable time - so thanks Bish for having me.  Good interaction with the guys and exciting to see how God's word will continue to work in us (1 Thes 2:13).

0 thoughts on “Seminars on the Word of Christ

  1. Matthew Weston

    Been listening to these on my commute this week - such good stuff! Makes me want to present Jesus to people more and more - and know him better myself. Loved Isaiah particularly, though I've only listened to the first four. Thanks Glen (and thanks Bish for inviting/recording)!

  2. woldeyesus

    Grateful for any information in the proceedings on the day of Christ without all the altruistic language and "the figures of speech" about the Father, i.e., the day Christ is known by the same name as God in person and truly worshipped as such! (John 16: 25-26 based on Zech. 14: 1-9)


    Hi glen,

    Read your post after long time.Nice information about the Jesus Christ as always.Your each post gives some delightful ways to see the life from a different angle.really nice..looking forward for many stuff from you.

    God Bless

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