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"Twixt Jesus and the Chosen Race"

Rich Owen has just drawn my attention to this hymn on our union with Christ:

The meter is 88.88, does anyone have a favourite tune for that meter.  There are over 400 to choose from!

‘Twixt Jesus and the Chosen Race
Subsists a bond of sov’reign grace,
That hell, with its infernal train,
Shall ne’er dissolve, or rend in twain.

This sacred bond shall never break,
Though earth should to her center shake;
Rest, doubting saint, assured of this,
For God has pledged His holiness.

He swore but once the deed was done;
‘Twas settled by the great Three One;
Christ was appointed to redeem
All that the Father loved in Him.

Hail, sacred union, firm and strong
How great thy grace, how sweet the song,
That rebel worms should ever be
One with incarnate Deity!

One in the tomb, one when He rose,
One when he triumphed o’er His foes
One when in heav’n He took His seat,
While seraphs sung at hell’s defeat.

Blessed by the wisdom and the grace,
Th’ eternal love and faithfulness,
That’s in the gospel scheme revealed,
And is by God the Spirit sealed.

By John Kent, 1887.


0 thoughts on “"Twixt Jesus and the Chosen Race"

  1. Emma Bail

    Just love it...I specially like the last one paragraph "Blessed by the wisdom and the grace,Th’ eternal love and faithfulness"..Thank you so much for sharing...

  2. Rich Owen

    Found one - Old 100th. It's the same one as we do 'All people that on earth do dwell' - number 20 in mission praise.

    We shall be singing it on Sunday :-)

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