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Outgoing 1A – "From the overflow of the heart"

Week 1 - session 1 audio

Week 1 Powerpoint

Script (Google Docs)


From the overflow of the heart...


What do you picture when you think of an evangelist?


Now describe someone who helped you trust Jesus.

Why is there a difference?


Evangelist means “Teller of Good News”


Who needs to hear the gospel?



What do I need to do with the gospel?

Believe it!


Does the world need more evangelists?

That depends!

Matthew 23:15 – Evangelism can grow Satan’s kingdom!

Garbage In – Garbage Out!

Matthew 12:34 – Evangelism needs to flow from the heart

Gospel In – Gospel Out!


Full script here

0 thoughts on “Outgoing 1A – "From the overflow of the heart"

  1. Pingback: Outgoing 1B – Peter, a model evangelist « Christ the Truth

  2. woldeyesus

    Today's evangelist is typically a second-hand preacher. Many years ago, a missionary helped me to trust "another Jesus" who was not up to the challenges of growing and higher learning.

    Without the defining moment of Jesus Christ to personally baptize in the Holy Spirit and to train new disciples, the gospel is neither credible nor sustainable.

  3. Pingback: Evangelism Training Course Outline « Christ the Truth

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