I've been asked to give some talks to teenagers on Christ's "mission impossible" - that's the name of the camp they're on. They suggested I do it from the OT.
I thought at some point in each talk I'll address a sneaking suspicion that Christians have deep down that eats away at our faith. So, something like:
Jesus and Adam (Genesis 3) – "Jesus can’t be that important."
Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and End, the world's only hope.
Jesus and Abraham (Genesis 22) – "The bible’s weird and sometimes shocking."
The bible is not a rule-book, but with Christ at the centre it makes sense.
Jesus and Moses (Exodus 3) – "I can’t believe in God in a suffering world."
The LORD meets us in suffering to lead us out.
Jesus and David (1 Samuel 17) – "I’m too weak for Jesus."
The gospel is not, do it for Jesus, it's: Jesus did it for you.
Jesus and Isaiah (Isaiah 53) – "I’m too sinful for Jesus."
Jesus' mission is for sinners - He's for you!
Anyone have any ideas for good youth-friendly video clips or jazzy stuff. I'm not the youthiest, jazziest speaker ever!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkNa6tLWrqk - Is the Bible about me; or Jesus?
http://www.thebricktestament.com/ - the Bible in lego!
On the first talk, one illustration you could use is to take the complete trilogy of Lord of the Rings and say that trying to understand/know Christ without understanding Adam/the OT is a bit like trying to read The Return of the King without having read The Fellowship of the Ring - at this point I'd rip the book in half, chucking one half on the floor for effect
On the second, one possibility for an illustration is the Karate Kid "Wax on, Wax off" moment to show that just like in KK, things which seem apparently random/senseless/painful/agonising are used by God for good - it happened with Abraham, it happened with Joseph, it happened with David, it happened with Christ, it happens with Christians (James 1:2-4)
Some ideas - hope they're useful...
Dunno if this is anything like what you're looking for, but they're good anyway :)
Love this one, and relevant to OT and Christ stuff http://vimeo.com/23642755
This next one could be a good starter, get people thinking, "do I know him?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzqTFNfeDnE&feature=related And then show them how they can know him with the talks you've got outlined
And this is pretty cool, the content's emphasis definitely isn't as good as it could be (ie should be more Trinitarian/Christocentric) but is still quite engaging/exciting.
Dunno if this is anything like what you're looking for, but they're good anyway :)
They're all things that went viral...
Love this one, and relevant to OT and Christ stuff too http://vimeo.com/23642755
This next one could be a good starter, get people thinking, "do I know him?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzqTFNfeDnE&feature=related And then show them how they can know him with the talks you've got outlined
And this is pretty cool, the content's emphasis definitely isn't as good as it could be (ie should be more Trinitarian/Christocentric) but is still quite engaging/exciting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gb7n9B_8m8
Hey guys - thanks for this. Very helpful. I'm definitely going to use Sunil's first suggestion and we'll see about the others :)