Thanks to Harold Camping, today is pretty much the one day I don't expect Christ to return. What a shame! Never mind eh. Begin again tomorrow. Sunday would be a better day for it anyway - the Lord's Day does mean "Day of the Lord" after all.
Of course, through the gospel, Christ's return is not Doomsday, but the Happy Last Day. If we know Jesus then Judgement Day has passed. It fell on Christ crucified and we look with eager longing for the appearing of our Friend and Saviour to put all things right.
Heidelberg Catechism
Question 52. What comfort is it to you that Christ “shall come to judge the living and the dead?”
Answer. That in all my sorrows and persecutions, I, with uplifted head, look for the very One, who offered Himself for me to the judgment of God, and removed all curse from me, to come as Judge from heaven, who shall cast all His and my enemies into everlasting condemnation, but shall take me with all His chosen ones to Himself into heavenly joy and glory.
The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" (Rev 22:17)
"Thanks to Harold Camping, today is pretty much the one day I don’t expect Christ to return. What a shame!"
He might decide to come anyway… wouldn't that be a kick?
I was gonna say what Ed said above!
I'm grateful that when that day comes, because of Christ and his infinite mercy, I'll be left behind.
(Matthew 24:36-40)
The principle and practice of Judgement Day has already been defined by Christ's self-revelation as "I Am Who I Am" or the Almighty God, a.k.a., "source of life" and "life-giving Spirit", in his death on the cross (with Mosaic precedent in the self-sufficient fire) which only few people search for and find. The majority could not care less! (Matt. 7: 13-14; John 3: 18-21; 8: 21-28 based on Ex. 3: 1-15; 19: 30-37)
Hi Glen,
Thanks for the reminder - what a wonderful truth!
There's a book which I would highly recommend (though I would be slightly surprised if you haven't yet already read it, it being written by an Australian theologian and all): Living with the Underworld by Peter Bolt.
I'd really appreciate it if you checked out my blog - It's basically an exploration (through poetry and music) of what it means to find 'calm in the chaotic'. I'd recommend starting with the post on Wordsworth.
I hope that all is going well with your new job.