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Take a look at TenLooks

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus!” – Hebrews 12:2

For every look at self—take ten looks at Christ!

–Robert Murray McCheyne

Hin-Tai and Chris have a brilliant new blog that you should all add to your readers.  It promises to be Christ-centred, trinitarian, affective  and pastoral.  Four thumbs up.

In his latest post, Hin-Tai wrestles with the desire to have a Christ-exalting blog while resisting the self-absorbing pull of blogging.

0 thoughts on “Take a look at TenLooks

  1. cath

    ... So then we all had a good chuckle when we remembered that the etymology of 'blog' ultimately derives from the Greek ego 'I, myself'

  2. chris

    hmm it would seem we were doomed from the very beginning then! Although, taking a blog (as something intrinsically about oneself) and making it about Christ has surely got to be a good place to start - if a little ambitious :)

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