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Maybe Tescos has it right

This evening, as I picked up some essentials from the supermarket, the signs said it loud and proud:

International Pancake Day

Of course as a moveable feast, Pancake Day is difficult to calculate.  The trick is to count back 45 days from "International Sticky Bun Day" day.  Or 47 days from "World Chocolate Bunny Day".

But then again, why should anyone care about Shrove Tuesday. Shrovetide was the week prior to Lent where you'd confess and do penance to gain absolution ('shrove' means absolved).  In so doing you'd clean yourself up enough to embark upon another 40 days of penitential sacrifice!  And only then do we make it to God's work at Easter.

As we'll see as we blog through Exodus - in the bible, self examination comes after God's redemption.  The feast of unleavened bread comes after Passover. It's not: "Clean yourself up to get saved."  God saves you while you're still dirty.

So in the name of Jesus I absolve you from all your Shrovetide burdens.  Enjoy your Pancake Day.


0 thoughts on “Maybe Tescos has it right

  1. Bird Brain

    I'm in 2 minds about giving things up for Lent. After all, Jesus has already paid through his death so we don't need to sacrifice things anymore. I consider it's more suitable to abstain from something so the time previously spent on whatever you stop, will be spend in reading the Bible/praying/ etc. Suppose the coffee funds could be used in a charity donation. I know somebody quitting Facebook! The horror! I WOULD find I'd have more time in study.
    You have any advice Mr Glen?

  2. Pingback: Why I’m giving nothing up for Lent « High Over All

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