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Trinity Day Conference in Swansea

They're doing it again.  And it looks a winner.  Another Trinity day at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Swansea.
Saturday 30th January: 10.30am-3pm

This time they've got Mike Reeves and Stuart Olyott as well as Martin Downes.

Stuart Olyott "Why doctrine matters"

Mike Reeves "The Trinity in the writings" and "The Trinity in the gospels"

Martin Downes "Fighting to keep the Trinity clear"

Please book with Jo Smallacoombe by calling the church office: 01792 412128

Crèche facilities and lunch provided.  And if you need a place to stay, ask Steve Levy on the office number and tell em Glen sent ya.  There might be some floor-space for you somewhere.  (That's as close as you get on this blog to a freebie).


0 thoughts on “Trinity Day Conference in Swansea

  1. Tim V-B

    Hi Dev,
    I don't know about recordings (some were done, but I don't know where to find them). That said, there's a book in the making.


  2. Glen

    Unfortunately a) Steve Levy considers even those from Cardiff as overseas. And The recordings aren't available because they're gonna make a book out of it all.

    We'll all have to wait for that.

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