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A little web surfing and spiritual poverty will come upon you like a robber

If watching this for 7 minutes saves you from another 7 minutes of wasted web-surfing, it's done it's job.

Full sermon here.

ht prognosis.


6 thoughts on “A little web surfing and spiritual poverty will come upon you like a robber

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  3. Heather

    Thanks for sharing this.

    Internet self- control is not a strong point for me. In my prideful foolishness, it really bothers me to think that there might be "something important" that I'm missing. I re-posted the video on my own site as a reminder..

    Interestingly, some of my most spiritually traumatic moments (just how few DO find the narrow gate? , am I really saved, am I being obedient enough, etc) have been a direct result of sitting down for "just a few minutes" that somehow translate into an hour or more.

    A dozen links and a couple Google searches later, I will have overcrowded my mind with enough disturbing information to keep me unbalanced for a month. Fortunately, I have learned that God does indeed chastise those who are His true children and He has used my disobedient actions to teach and draw me closer to Him...

    Of course, that doesn't mean I need to continue sinning so that the grace of God may abound.

    Anyway, thank you---this was the push I needed to get me to take more seriously the instruction to "redeem the time" in these evil days.

    God Bless,

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