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Song – He rose up

I wrote this while working on my kids ascension song.

He rose up among us, as told.
He rose up the Promise of old.
My Brother in strife
Assuming my life
Exalted, the Father's Decree
He rose up, He rose up for me.

He rose up humanity’s Last
Man's Answer in life unsurpassed
My Champion living
God’s life of thanksgiving
Exalted as I'm meant to be
He rose up, He rose up for me.

They raised Him, my Saviour, on high
Man lifted, accursed, left to die
My Priest in atonement
My Lamb in enthronement
Exalted on Destiny's Tree,
He rose up, He rose up for me.

He rose up from death He arose
Immortal to crush all His foes
The Lord of all history
My Christ has the victory
Exalted, the darkness must flee
He rose up, He rose up for me.

He rose up to heaven, He rose
Ascended beyond other thrones
My Friend in high places
My Fountain of graces
Exalted, my Heavenly Plea
He rose up, He rose up for me.

I rise up, I rise up in Him
Emboldened in spite of all sin
In Jesus attaining
My destiny – reigning
Exalted, with angels to sing
I rise up, I rise up in Him


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