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You know it’s time to stop blogging when… the same week you find out that both Ron Frost and now Paul Blackham have blogs!

Paul's is less a blog, more of a one man theological mega-resource. 

You will be introduced to his excellent 'Book by Book' bible studies.  These are ready-made resources (DVD and all) to be used individually or in groups.  The books covered thus far with DVDs are:   

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Psalms, John, Philippians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians.  Esther, 2 Corinthians and 2 Timothy are coming.

Watch sample episodes and read overviews...


You can also read his articles on issues such as:

Did the NT writers misunderstand the OT

Explaining the Trinity

The Trinitarian God

The Life of Jesus

The Death of Jesus


But perhaps my top recommendation of all - visit his Frameworks page where Paul is building up a doctrine course podcast by podcast.  I did Paul's Frameworks course about 8 years ago at All Souls Langham Place.  It remains hands down the most challenging, profound, heart-warming, life-changing and Christian theology I've ever been taught.  Everyone... Everyone... will be fed, challenged and equipped by listening to these.

So go to it...!


0 thoughts on “You know it’s time to stop blogging when…

  1. Tim Cairns

    A great resource - but the website really needs some work - very hard to navigate - any web designers want to offer a tithe of time to sort it out! I think it would be real kingdom work!

  2. glenscriv

    yes Tim you might be on to something. I crashed 5 times navigating it today. And I've had to subscribe to 6 different feeds just to keep up to date with what's new.

    worth sticking with it though...

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