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Trinity, revelation and OT – 9

You may know that I (sporadically but vigourously!) bang the drum for Christ the eternal Mediator being the deliberately revealed, consciously known object of faith in the Old Testament.  Here are some posts on the issue.

Pete Myers read it and posted this.  And our further discussions are here and here.

By way of some kind of response, here are ten propositions that circle around some of the issues. (Fabricius eat your heart out). 

For those yawning right now, hold on for some grand hilarity next week - I'm on holidays and will post only frivolity.  For those fixing to flex their theological muscles, remember to play nice.


9.  Calvin and Owen believed in divine simplicity.  (I have serious reservations about the doctrine - see here)  But they managed to avoid the more dangerous aspects of it because they insisted upon Christ-mediated revelation. 

Both of them refused to say ‘Because God is simple any revelation of any aspect of God's nature will reveal the Whole.'  The both were crystal clear that revelation must happen in Christ as eternal Mediator (and be appropriated knowingly in the Person of the Mediator).

See here for examples from them both.


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