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Ten years ago I was still quite young in the faith but a keen evangelist. On Thursday nights, the church I attended ran two different activities. One was street evangelism, the other was an in-depth theology course. An older, wiser Christian tried to persuade me to leave off the street-preaching for a season and study the gospel more deeply. I still remember my response: “I already know the gospel, I need to tell it to others.”
Probably the reason I’ll always remember those words was because my friend just let them hang in the air like a bad smell. He graciously persisted and I relented. I went to the course to discover I didn’t really know the gospel. Well, I did and I didn’t. I was learning that much of what I had been dishing up was saw-dust seasoned with chilli sauce. Worse, some of it was poison. And so much of the activity was driven by temperament not the love of Christ (2 Cor 5:14).
And that’s the same today. I do and I don’t know the gospel. Every day I need to know it better, to trust Christ more deeply, to understand all reality from a more biblical perspective. And then I won’t just be equipped to tell others, I’ll want to do it. It will bubble out of me.
As Jesus said, From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34). This course is about stoking the fires of our hearts with gospel fuel. If you’re in the Eastbourne area, come along!

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