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Blogging emergency, help needed

Have I ever mentioned how ramshackle the whole christthetruth enterprise is?  I'm sure you've noticed it's basicallly held together with bluetac and prayer.  I edit my website in miscrosoft word, I produce my videos in powerpoint and tape my songs on a little dictation recorder.  And, yes, I know that it shows.

So anyway, my technical know-how is zero!  This is where you come in.

For a new little (ramshackle) adventure I have purchased a domain name and I'd like to get a website up and running in the next three days.

It needs to:

  • Be a website with a blog section.  i.e. Not exactly a blog, but a website with a prominent blog section.
  • Be attractive - especially to teenage girls (all will be explained!)
  • Have a fixed homepage
  • Be easy to navigate in order to find informative papers.

So, something like a homepage with a tab at the top for the blog and a sidebar down the side for papers - something like that.

I've looked at a lot of wordpress templates but, while they'd be fine as blogs it seems difficult to have more than a few pages displayed on them.

I'm willing to spend a little bit of money.

Any suggestions?



0 thoughts on “Blogging emergency, help needed

  1. Paul Huxley

    Drupal and Joomla (google them) are open source options (similar to Wrodpress but slightly beefier). I have some familiarity with Drupal and would be happy to help, although I am horribly busy in the next few days. Joomla, from what I understand has slightly less of a learning curve.

  2. Tim Cairns

    Hey Glen I echo Paul above Joomla is the way to go, if you need help email me, my wife is a bit of a wizz at this I can ask her to help you if you need it, she isn't a teenage girl but she might help!

  3. Dan Steel

    definitely no expert and the guys above look like they know what they're talking about, but had a play with weebly recently and was pretty impressed.

    Form & function both seem high but as with any of these things there will be limitations...

  4. Bird Brain

    Blutack and prayer? Sounds good :-D

    Sorry I can't even start explaining/suggesting things but must remind you we're so blessed with you and your yearning to preach.
    Teenage girls? Any chance of explanation??

  5. Glen

    Paul and Tim - that's brilliant thanks! But Dan has me pegged on sophistication. Weebly's much more my league!

    BirdBrain - I'm doing it for someone we both know... More details to follow...

  6. Paul Huxley

    Even Stuart Dean, our former pastor could use Weebly :P

    I'm sure it'll be a good fit for you purposes, and might have suggested it myself if I'd read the original post better/properly.

  7. Carla

    we use for our church website. it has blog feature page and is relatively inexpensive.

    for our mentoring site, we use It too is inexpensive and extremely friendly for the web novice.

  8. Glen

    Carla and Rich - thanks very much. These might well be useful when I want to upgrade.

    And Larry - that was very disturbing (bit like that Simpsons episode when Homer discovers his face is a Japanese logo). "The fundamentals of Scrivener can be discovered in ten minutes" apparently. Sounds about right!

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