What do you associate with the phrase "man-centred evangelism"? What would self-centred evangelism look like?
I have a tract in front of me. A fairly innocuous cover - it could be about anything.
Open it up and straight away you're confronted with death and judgement. When we die we will open our eyes either in a state of supreme happiness or unbelievable anguish. There is no annihilation, no re-incarnation, no escape.
The next page tells us How to be sure of heaven. There follow nine numbered points. These include (among other things) 'repenting', 'coming' to Jesus, 'trusting in' Jesus, 'looking to' Jesus, 'receiving' Jesus, 'confessing ' Jesus, and 'reading your Bible and praying every day'. These are all separately listed under the heading 'How to be sure of heaven.' The work of Jesus is mentioned in the midst of a couple of these points - His death on "Calvary" is instrumental in your forgiveness and something you must realise and trust in.
It concludes with a sinners' prayer.
Now... let me say I love first contact evangelism, I love tracts. I use them often. I've just been out door-knocking our parish and found it a very fruitful time. I don't fault anyone for a sense of gospel urgency and a desire to reach out. So let's not get hung up on the particular example, but let's talk about the theology behind it.
The theology fueling this is not confined to tracts. Some folks seem to reverse engineer their gospel from the throne of judgement. And they bring it all back to here and now and me. The logic goes like this:
In the future there will be a judgement.
Today you can prepare for that 'great assize' by making some changes.
By the way, in the past Jesus did some things that open up the possibility for your salvation today.
But anyway, back to today. Back to you. Here are the nine things you need to do...
There are numerous problems here, but let me name some of them...
The entire presentation is not an announcement of good news. It is an ultimatum.
It's not about Christ and what He has done, it's about you and what you must do.
Your problem, in these presentations, is not really Christlessness. It's the future flames which you want to avoid if you know what's good for you.
God's solution - salvation - is not knowing God through Jesus (John 17:3), it's escaping hell. Meaning...
There is no obvious connection between believing in Jesus and being saved (apart from Jesus' atonement being instrumental somehow). Therefore...
Trusting Jesus becomes about trusting a mechanism of atonement, not a Mediator who atones. Furthermore...
Faith in Jesus is blatantly a means to another end: escaping hell. Which means...
No love for Christ is being encouraged, only love for self. Thus...
True faith is not being elicited here. You can tell this because...
Christ in His word is not creating faith (He and His work are barely mentioned), the evangelist is commanding faith. But...
Faith is not a response to commands, it's a response to promises. Similarly...
Faith is not a contribution we make to our salvation (along with 8 other steps we need to take), it is the gift of God that comes as Christ, in His gospel, takes hold of us.
That's what evangelism is then - placarding Christ. And yes, talk about judgement - but talk about the condemnation that is our Christlessness, now and eternally (John 3:18). Talk about salvation, but talk about Christ as our salvation. And talk about repentance and faith, but talk about it in the context of Christ offered to you. Don't make it your offering to Him.
If we fail to be thoroughly Christ-centred in evangelism we will be man-centred, no matter how much we quote the King James Bible, no matter how fundamentalist we sound, no matter how proud we are of 'preaching the hard truths.' Without Christ it always comes back to me. Only Christ-centredness is true God-centredness.