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"But we had hoped..." (Luke 24:13-35) What have you hoped in? It will be transformed and more than restored by the risen Jesus #EnjoyYourDay

A clever and sophisticated phrase to use in your evangelism: "I think you should become a Christian." #TryIt

Christians are groaners but not grumblers. Romans 8:23-25

Not just net gainers. Even our grtst suffering redeemed 2 grter glory: More than conquerors thru Him who loved us! #EnjoyYourDay

Adam/Christ = Curse/Blessing = Old/New = Judgement/Salvation = Now/Not-Yet = Flesh/Spirit

Instructions for Evangelist: Open your Bible. Point to Jesus. Offer Him Freely. Repeat As Necessary.

He's the Future & Fulness of the world. He's the Future & Fulness of God. If you have Jesus you have Everything. #EnjoyYourDay

"To be a receiver, to believe that the gift is complete, is to be right with God." Gerhard Forde >>

<< Therefore if we offer a "gift" that needs completing (by the sinner's response) we turn gospel into law, evangel-ism into legal-ism

"Self-esteem - the current circumlocution for pride" Gerhard Forde

Moralists use the law as a defence against God.

"This far and no further" is both God's command to the unruly and the Rule-y's command to God.

God is pulling all things through the cross and out the empty tomb

Bt the Spirit of the Son you have a new spiritual heart-beat: Abba, Father... Abba, Father... Abba, Father... (Gal 4:6) #EnjoyYourDay

Being Trinitarian is about confessing Christ faithfully. He is the Spirit-filled Son. >>

<<If we're failing to preach trinitarianly it's not cos we need PhDs in systematics, it's cos we're simply not articulating Christ properly.

Christians are God's possession. There Might be a hostile takeover. But only if they can outbid the blood of God- Acts 20:28

Sunday school, kids songs & evangelistic outlines lay the foundations. If they're wrong, preachers have a LOT of work to do!

"I don't know who God is anymore..." could be a very promising deconversion. It might just be the 1st step towards true faith

God is Joy - Ps 45:7; John 15:11; 1 Tim 1:11. #EnjoyYourDay

A love story without forgiveness is a tragedy not a comedy. Just seen #CrazyStupidLove

#CrazyStupidLove does catastrophe far better than eucatastrophe. All because no-one can really bring themselves to forgive.

"Our culture is so far back from the gospel we can't just preach Christ"? No! For this very reason we must simply preach Christ.

Planning Christmas sermons? Why not revisit the most sublime theology of Christmas ever penned. Begin here.



He's the Judge of the world, the Revelation of God and a gentle, lowly Rest-Giver: Matt 11:20-30. #EnjoyYourDay

Many bow to the Son of God: Moses, Joshua, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Peter, Paul, John. He receives it, then sets them all on their feet.

If you want to take on a theology, take on its Doctrine of God. Otherwise you're tinkering at the edges.

No I won't be taking part... Because if I started now it would take me about 6 months... Yeah and Mo-pril doesn't have the same ring.

Original sin asserts that no-one stands apart from the human condition. We're all a part of the problem.

"Born sick, commanded to be well" is how Hitchens understood original sin. In reality it's "Born hungry, offered Bread."

Your sorrows He carries, your infirmities He takes up, your sins He bears. (Is 53) Your weaknesses only draw Him closer #EnjoyYourDay

Evangelist's Reality Check: Scripture's most beautiful chapter on Christ and His cross begins with the line "Who has believed our message?"

First 4 beatitudes: empty beggars before the King. Last 4: royal ambassadors to the world. There's a flow 2 the life of the kingdom

A deeply theological Soapbox by @RealDMitchell  We need a narrative to live in the moment. A happy ending is best too!

To characterise our sin as basically self-rule (eg 'climbing on the throne of our lives') is far too flattering a picture of human nature...

...Scripturally we are dominated subjects in Satan's kingdom, whores besotted with terrible lovers, sheep following after bad shepherds...

...As Luther said we are beasts ridden either by the devil or God. Ironically it's a kind of hubris to diagnose our problem as self-rule.

You know the tree of life in the garden of God? That's not just for religious art. That's for *you* to eat from (Rev 2:7) #EnjoyYourDay

Someone's asked how 2 answer Qs on Adam's historicity in evangelism. Goto 1 Cor 15 & say 'If Jesus rose, Adam fell. Let's see if Jesus rose'

Is no-one concerned our Archbishop is a JW?

<<Do I need to point out that this was a pun of the order of (but slightly superior to) previous Twitter jokes on the 'Could Well by' motif?

You see Justin Welby = JW. Initially I thought it was hilarious... (Again that's a pun. A play on words, because it's about INITIALS) *sigh*

Don't preach to fortify the weary. Preach to raise the dead.

Reading Luke afresh. Jesus is fiercely, resolutely, relentlessly downwardly mobile. Just astonishing

Many call the cross 'primitive scapegoating'. But it's different when the one at the top is scapegoat. It's 'carrying the can'. #Entwistle

No greater love: An illustration of sacrifice (Thanks to John Percival's remembrance day sermon this morning)

"You are my Beloved Child, I'm thrilled with you" - the Verdict we all want from the Father we all crave. And it's ours in Jesus #EnjoyYourDay

Only *sinners* love (Luke 7:36-50). Therefore every sin is an opportunity to know yr indebtedness and the forgiveness of Jesus #EnjoyYourDay

"God wants relationship with u" doesnt say much. Everything has a relationship w God. Q is Which God & therefore: What kind of relationship?

"My child, get up" He will say. And u will rise 2 feasting joy, complete astonishment & face-to-face with Jesus (Luke 8:40-56) #EnjoyYourDay

Who qualifies 4 Christ's Kingdom? The powerless, the wicked, the little children: Lk18:1-17. Don't reach up, receive where u r #EnjoyYourDay

Here's a tip for anyone who fears using 'Christian' phrases in evangelism (like Lamb of God or Trinity)... Explain them. #WorksATreat.

Today's not the 1st day of the week. It's the day after you've received a massive Raise and a stunning Promotion.   #EnjoyYourWeek

"We live in an age in which everything is permitted and nothing is forgiven." Rev Alan Jones

The Spirit is a deposit, guaranteeing your full redemption. And God aint gonna lose His deposit. #EnjoyYourDay

'The Christological interpretation of the OT is the claim that the OT is 'cruciform' in its theology and is Not a theology of glory.' Forde

Your Aaron has entered the Holy Place, bearing your name over his heart as a continuing memorial before the LORD. Exodus 28:29 #EnjoyYourDay

There's a realm of forgiveness and a realm of consequences. Aka grace and law. Aka heaven and hell.

Remember on Reformation Day: The fight's not 'Our faith vs Our works.' It's 'Christ alone vs Us (a bit)'. His work &faithfulness alone saves

For Reformation Day read @mike_reeves "We are not saved by grace"  If we believed it we might have another reformation!

Another for Reformation Day: Why we must seek Christ and not "faith" - John Wesley's experience:

Last 2 Reformation Day articles : Matt Jenson's "Faith is nothing" And my "Faith is not a thing"

Just seen three Christians approvingly tweet Aristotle: "You are what you repeatedly do." And on Reformation Day! #NeedAnotherOne!

"Should Aristotle not have been a man of flesh and blood, I would not hesitate to assert that he was the Devil himself." Luther #Reformation

Nothing a resurrection won't fix. #EnjoyYourDay

The old self is "corrupted by deceitful desires" (Eph 4:22). What do you Want? What lies does it promise you? How is it corrupting you?

The new self is given to you (Eph 4:24). It's God-like in righteousness and holiness. That's cos you're clothed in Christ.

Jesus = salvation, grace, faith, assurance, election, atonement, Israel, eternal life. Divorce Him from any of these = Big Problems.

Did the sun come up this morning? Then God's not going to break His covenant with your Royal Priest (Jer 33:14-22) #EnjoyYourDay

Ever heard some1 say "We've either got our message or our methods wrong. It's Not our message, it Must be our methods"? #CouldntDisagreeMore

Unbeliever: I'm not sure I have it in me to repent. Evangelist: You Definitely don't have it in u. But God's given it 2u in Jesus. Have Him!

My future inheritance = Grandpa's stamp collection. Oh, and the universe. Oh, and GOD! Yes GOD! (Romans 8:17) #EnjoyYourDay

We've already sent our Man to the seat of power. Just, Gentle, Wiser than Solomon, Beyond reproach and ONE OF US! #EnjoyYourDay

Salvation is not a matching fund and the cross was not Jesus' voluntary contribution. He purchased us. In full. Forever.

My GP's told me to rest my voice for 3 days. Emma's just sent her a thank you note.

Evangelism in an internet age: a friend shared 321 with a mate. They chatted online. Next day he changed his facebook profile to Christian.


"There's no evidence..." says the atheist when they mean "I consider there 2b insufficient evidence of the kind I'm prepared to consider..." >>

<<There's a great difference between those statements and you'd want the vocal champions of "evidence" to be able to grasp it.

"God's love does not find but creates what's pleasing 2 it.. Rather than seeking its own good God's love flows forth & bestows good." Luther

God does not treat you as your sins deserve (Ps 103:10). He treats you as Christ's righteousness deserves. (2 Cor 5:21) #EnjoyYourDay

God *has* given u His all - His very Heart - on the cross. He gave it while u were His enemy. What will He now withold from u? #EnjoyYourDay

Jesus is not nice. He's ferociously good, fiercely protective, jealously loving. His love is bloody. That's why u can trust it #EnjoyYourDay

The Father knew & enjoyed His identity as Father b4 & apart from work (creation). We too shd know & enjoy our identity b4 & apart from work

"Who He is, we become. Where He is, we dwell. What He has, we inherit. What He’s done, we possess." #UnionWithChrist

He came to a poor teenager, a northern backwater, a ravaged people. He came to diseased, dying, damned sinners. He's for you.#EnjoyYourDay

You want 2b free? The greatest threat 2 yr freedom is not the state, the market or the church. It's you. You need 2b liberated from yourself

What was the Trinity doing in eternity past? Hide and Seek: Prov 25:2; 1 Cor 2:10-11

I don't belong to a theological camp. All Christ-honouring theologians belong to me. 1 Cor 3:21-23

All things are yours - all theology, the whole world, the future - and you are Christ's and Christ is God's. 1 Cor 3:21-23 #EnjoyYourDay

How to see a crowd: Harassed and helpless. How to see Jesus: full of gut-wrenching compassion. Matt 9:36 #ThereforeGo

When the aspiring ape ceases to think of himself as a fallen angel, perhaps he will inevitably resign himself to being an ape and then... become contented with his lot & ultimately even rejoice that the universe demands little more from him than an ape's contentment (DBHart)

The God-man religion is replaced by that of the man-god, wresting divinity from the material of his humanity thru exertions of his will. DBH

Funny how evangelicals feel more able 2 cite Austin &Searle on speech-act theory than Barth (who coins the term in I/1)#HeWhoMustNotBeNamed

Feeling thirsty? Hungry? Spiritually empty? The sure mercies of Christ are yours: Isaiah 55 #EnjoyYourDay

The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet (Rom 16:20). #EnjoyYourDay

Like cold water to a weary soul is Good News from a distant land (Prov 25:25) That's why sharing cold water is so rewarding (Matt 10:42)

Your handsome, righteous Warrior King is God from God. He's soaked with the Spirit of Joy and He LOVES His bride: Psalm 45#EnjoyYourDay.

Remembering T Eagleton on Dawkins: Imagine someone spkg on biology whose only knowledge is the Book of British Birds.

Does heaven seem closed to you? No, Jesus has torn it open & brought you Home: Luke 3:21; John 1:51; Heb 4:14; 6:19; Rev 4:1.#EnjoyYourDay

Stockholm syndrome is a brilliant description, not of faith in Jesus, but of sin. We're in love with our captors...

...But there is a "love that will not betray, dismay or enslave you but will set you free." The love of One who gives Himself to liberate u

We MUST communicate the Fall better. Every pt last night revolved around a) prob of evil, b) denial of sin, c) absurdity of Future judgmt

We pray "through the mouth" of Jesus Christ our Intercessor. (Calvin)

'Slime + Struggle + Selfishness = Selves + Sentience + Symphonies?' Atheism doesn't add up.


He cleanses lepers, drives out demons, blasts the lofty, lifts the lowly, shoulders shame, conquers death and rules the world #EnjoyYourDay

Even now my Witness & Advocate is on high, my Intercessor is my friend... He pleads with God as a man pleads 4 his friend. #EnjoyYourDay

By nature God is the Hypothesis. By grace God becomes Empirical Evidence. IOW: The Word became flesh. IOW: Jesus reveals God.

There's a Battle-Scarred God who's gone to hell & back 4 u. He meets u in Scripture to bring Peace and Awe (Jn 20:24-31) #EnjoyYourDay

God is not FatherLY. He's Father. He's not Like a Father. He. Is. Your. Father. #EnjoyYourDay

Some verses on NT interpretation of OT:  "David was a prophet... Seeing what was ahead he spoke of the resurrection of Christ." Acts 2...

...Paul's words "I am saying nothing beyond what Moses and the Prophets said would happen, that Christ would suffer and rise." Acts 26

..."About the Son, the Psalmist says [Psalm 45]" Hebrews 1

... "They had the gospel preached to them just as we have" Hebrews 4

... "Moses regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt" Hebrews 11

... "The prophets, full of the Spirit, searched eagerly to find the time and circumstances of Christ's suffering and glory." 1 Peter 1

...  "The spiritual Rock that accompanied them (and against whom they rebelled) was Christ" 1 Cor 10

Emporer Julian: "It is the Christians' philanthropy towards strangers, the care they take of the graves of the dead...

...& the affected sanctity with which they conduct their lives that have done most to spread their atheism." See? Atheists do a lot of good!

Jesus is not the Kappa and the Omega, the Middle and the End. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.

A new phrase for you: "Pop goes the Jesus" - That moment when the preacher of an OT text springs Christ on an unsuspecting congregation.

Taste the coming kingdom: A land of wheat, barley, vines, figtrees, pomegranates, oliveoil& honey. U will lack nothing. Deut 8 #EnjoyYourDay

Why is  so extraordinary? Many blogs try to speak Truth (I give it a go). Emma is Very rare. She speaks Honesty.

'Sola fide' is the true crucifixion of the self. Rod Rosenbladt

Whatever your weakness today, it's God's opportunity to work powerfully. 2 Cor 12:9 #EnjoyYourDay

It's NOT that NOW Jesus is the BEST revelation, it's that ALWAYS Jesus has been the ONLY revelation. #solusChristus #John1 #Colossians1

'Being Trinitarian' is not really the goal. 'Confessing Christ faithfully' is the goal. But you Must be Trinitarian to do that.

"Put your faith in Jesus" says the preacher. A lot. What anthropology is being assumed here? And what understanding of 'faith'?

The 2 homiletical issues certain to cause a ruckus: length & the vexed Q of 'notes or no notes'. We Really need a theology of proclamation!

Evidence: You, me and Beethoven's 9th. Hypothesis: Undirected energy acting on matter over time. Never forget how bonkers #atheism is.

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Your sins call down grace, your sufferings - comfort, your death calls you home. Life's very worst can only make u better #EnjoyYourDay

Christianity has a direction. "The dwelling of God with man" is the point. Let the direction interpret the details.

Forever the Spirit anoints the Son. Now He anoints His Bride. Soon He'll anoint the earth & the deserts will bloom (Isaiah 35) #EnjoyYourDay

"Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." Jesus follows back #EnjoyYourDay

“O Lord, deliver me from Christian churches with nothing but Christian saints in them...

...I want to remain in and be part of a church which is a little flock of faint-hearted people, weak people...

...who know and feel their sin, their poverty, their misery, and they believe in the forgiveness of God.” Martin Luther

Feel like throwin yr hands up in the air? He's got the love u need to see u thru  #EnjoyYourDay

"It is not my state of heart that makes my righteousness better or worse; my righteousness is Jesus Christ Himself." Bunyan

If u knew Jesus was praying 4u in the next room, what confidence u'd have! Distance makes no difference. He's still praying.#EnjoyYourDay

Going back over King's English (4th quarter out asap). Every "application" is about generosity. Of spirit (forgiveness) or of wallet (money)

Why are so few of our "biblical applications" about generosity? Is it cos we think we have a stingey God?

His might dwarfs yr problems: they're a drop in the bucket. His meekness draws u near: like a Shepherd gathering lambs. Is 40#EnjoyYourDay

The more you tell me 'what kind of person' you are the more I doubt your powers of self-perception.

Happy endings are stories that haven't finished yet. #MrandMrsSmith#cynicism

Enlightenment view of humanity: atomistic. Bible's view of humanity: Adamistic.

God's goal in setting up the world is not focussed on *us* taking responsibility for *our* handiwork, but Him taking responsibility for His.

Crazy new evangelistic strategy: Pray! #ItJustMightWork

<<Here's another idea: Drop into convo the phrase "...Yeah that's what I love about Jesus, He's..." Can't finish sentence? Don't evangelise!

<<Another phrase for evangelism: "It's different at my church. People really..."

"The trivialness of life is done away with by the Incarnation" GM Hopkins

"The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from shook foil." Hopkins

Either God loves you to death or Jesus has been sending crazy mixed messages. #EnjoyYourDay

Heterosexuality is unbiblical. Can you imagine Jesus teaching the disciples "Let your sexual desire be unto the multitude of women"?

You may be in the darkest part of the valley. Even there u r clothed in Christ, filled with His Spirit, adopted by His Father #EnjoyYourDay

Someone just likened my preaching to a young Nick Clegg! All I can say is, I'm sorry

The life believing / Does not hold. Ever receiving / Always told. Never having / Being filled. All excess / Is gladly spilled. #poetwee

Though clouds may hide it, the Light of the world has risen, the darkness is defeated, it's a completely fresh start #EnjoyYourDay

The Trinity & Headship by @mike_reeves Fight hard against Arian complementarians, but Trinitarians cannot deny headship

Through the Righteous Branch, God never stops doing u good. In fact He rejoices 2do u good with all His heart&soul (Jer 32-33) #EnjoyYourDay

Grace-motivated, love-based Christian living is law: holy, righteous & good, but law. Only the gospel saves. Only the gospel liberates.

Top search term to find my blog today: "obsessed with preaching only jesus". If only. #NotObsessedEnough

"I don't want to go to hell. I don't like new places." (Louis CK) But maybe it's not so new - John 3:18,36; Rom 1:18

Life does not grind along according 2 impersonal laws. Yr Father plots, yr Brother reigns, His Spirit moves- minute by minute #EnjoyYourDay

Far and away the most common word to describe Jesus' feelings in the Gospels = "compassion". ie gut-wrenching mercy #EnjoyYourDay

"Christians need to be confident in Christ before they can be confident for Christ" Mike Reeves

"There is no medical condition that requires the direct termination of one life to preserve the other." (Source)

You may feel besieged by worries. Give them to your Father and know: it's His peace that besieges you (Phil 4:6-7) #EnjoyYourDay

"If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear. Yet distance makes no difference.He is praying for me."-M'Cheyne

Jesus gives strength to the weary, grace to the guilty, worth to the worthless, hope to the hopeless. #EnjoyYourDay

Many cry out for the preaching of "repentance" in evangelism. But push them and they think some need to do a lot more repenting than others.

<< But just imagine if our evil *was* our divorce from Christ: John 16:9. What would repentance look like then?

Psalm 15 = Christ in 3rd person. Psalm 16 = Christ in 1st person. Ascending the hill of the LORD involves a grave then pleasures forevermore

Complete this sentence: "My life would be properly blessed if..." Now go and read Ephesians 1. #YouveGotItAll

Compulsion aint that compelling. Grace is compelling. In every sense.

What is it about Jesus freely given to you that grips your soul and makes change an inevitability? That's 'compelling' in the true sense.

Marriage counseling doesn't begin in Ephesians 5. It begins in Ephesians 1.

'Only sinners have the right to be apologists.' Jacob Smith. Psalm 51:13

Daddy's rich! He has unsearchable riches in Christ - of inheritance, mercy & grace - all ours in Jesus (Eph 1:18,2:4,2:7,3:8) #EnjoyYourDay

If you're lost, finding yourself won't help. You'll only find that you're lost. Which is no great find!

Your God has gone to hell and back for you. Do you think He doesn't love you? Hasn't forgiven you? Won't raise you to glory? #EnjoyYourDay

Everyone believes in a judge: a final word on you & the cosmos. Only Christianity has a merciful judge...

...In top 5 religious views: Allah rewards good Muslims, Buddhism & Hinduism = Karma and Death (for non-religious) has No mercy at all

Whoever said "hard words make soft people" needs to re-read Proverbs. Just one eg: "a gentle tongue can break a bone" (25:15)

What is grace? Getting a kiss when you deserve a slap.

The greatest saint needs the blood of God. The worst sinner can claim the blood of God. We all stand forgiven at the cross #EnjoyYourDay

Humanists say humans created God. Actually Christianity created the Modern Human which humanists now worship.

An Iranian woman told me yesterday "As from last year I no longer believe in the God of the Ayatollahs. I think God is the Jesus God."

“When we say we begin with God, we begin with our idea of God, and our idea of God is not God... ...Instead, we ought to begin with God’s idea of God, and God’s idea of God is Christ” E. Stanley Jones

"I am among you as one who serves" (Luke 22:27). By His Spirit He is still among us. By His Spirit He still serves. #EnjoyYourDay

Just brought home my lost cat after two days searching. It did NOT want to be found. Balthasar the Calvinist.



Arguing *against* a "naturalism of the whole" is not arguing *for* a "god of the gaps."

If you want to know Christ in your own heart, first know that you are on His. (Ex 28:29; Heb 7:25) #ExtraNos

NOWHERE exhibits life-sharing, grace-giving, hope-offering love like the body of Christ

Christianity is not proved in the debating chamber but in the local church.

Why has Christ been appointed Head over everything? For the church. For you! (Eph 1:22) #EnjoyYourDay

Jesus doesn't just give u a fresh start. He IS the Beginning (Col 1:18) All things are eternally new in Him. U especially. #EnjoyYourDay

#Trinity #Illustration: Aldrin *Captures* Armstrong *Captivated* by the *Truly Captivating* (and world's invited into his wonder)

Through Jesus your sins are covered, carried and cancelled (Psalm 32:1-2). #EnjoyYourDay

"Even our repentance sucks." Rod Rosenbladt

"God promises to raise the dead, but only the dead." Mark Mattes

And God forgives sinners. But only sinners.

There's either a lion on the loose or a surfeit of sluggards in Essex (Prov 26:13). You decide!

The flesh may have a hump, but not the Spirit. We can live off past human glories, but not spiritual ones. We must always "be filled"

The Christian is in "the Kingdom of God's Beloved Son" (Col 1:13). "Behold my Well-Beloved" is the air we breathe. #EnjoyYourDay

Available, Life-giving, Devoured by the world, Broken for you: Jesus is the Bread of life. #EnjoyYourDay

The blood of Jesus is so precious, it can even save Christians.

The blood of Jesus turns away wrath, purifies from sin, cleanses yr conscience, brings u near 2 God & speaks in yr defence #EnjoyYourDay

The Lord says "Come!" Your only qualification is thirst. Isaiah 55:1-3; John 7:37-38; Rev 22:17 #EnjoyYourDay

Jesus is not the best Word, He's The Word. Not the best Image: The Image. Not the Seal of a series of improving revelations. The Revn of God

The only true and lasting foundation for humanism is God the Human.

Just preached with stabilisers on: surrounded by marriage & Lord's Supper & followed by "My Song is Love Unknown". Can't go too far wrong!

I've read to the end. It turns out really well apparently.#EnjoyYourDay

Through Christ's death *you* are dead to the 'old man', the flesh, sin, wrath, the law, principalities & powers & to the world #EnjoyYourDay

I'm brave when I imagine entering others' battles but cowardly in facing my own. Perhaps we should, I dunno, humbly encourage one another

Your loving Father stands against every hell-bent tendency in you. Good news: He won't let you destroy yourself!  #EnjoyYourDay

No wonder Christians are so burdened. They keep getting told Jesus "cleared a way" so that *they* can have a relationship with God

I can "have a relationship with God" as easily as I can ascend into heaven. Christ is my only hope.

If I'm in Jesus, He's taken me all the way to the Father's right hand. If He's merely cleared a path I'm absolutely stuffed

He's magnetic, heroic & this world's true Champion. He knows you by name, prays 4u constantly & longs to see you face to face.#EnjoyYourDay

"His name is the happy God, and nothing gives him greater happiness than to give happiness to his creatures." (Spurgeon) #EnjoyYourDay


Adam cannot repent. Adam can only perish.

True repentance must be done to us (as faith is done to us) since the greatest sin is to imagine that we can 'do penance.'

There cannot be impenitent faith (if it's true faith) or unbelieving repentance (if it's true repentance).

Repentance and faith are not 2 separate stages of salvation. They are 2 sides of the same coin. But note - this is a coin God gives to us!

We do not offer repentance to God as our part of the bargain. We're summoned to repentance in the gospel because this is the life of faith.

Little children come 2 Jesus in all their weakness. The rich young ruler walks away from Jesus with all his strength. (Matt 19:13-30)

<< To the weak, heaven's gate's as wide as Jesus' arms. To the strong, it's like getting a camel through the eye of a needle.

All anger is righteous anger. It's just that 95% is *self*-righteous.

Preachers: don't *aim* for relevance, reason & response. The gospel *produces* those things.

The god Richard Dawkins discusses certainly doesn't exist. #EnjoyYourDay

Orthodox Church leader: "Pussy Riot have slapped the church in the face." If only Jesus told us how 2 handle such face-slaps...

Doug Adams said u can enjoy a garden w/o believing in fairies at the bottom. Christians don't believe in fairies, we believe in a Gardener>>

<<Irony is, when u stop believing in a Gardener, it's only so long before you fear the garden is haunted by powers darker than fairies

Faith does not mean cultivating spiritual fullness but confessing spiritual emptiness. Continually.

I now have more (Twitter) followers than (Facebook) friends. If you notice a more despotic social media tone, that'll be why. Dismissed

What's this obsession with 'accountability'? Let's have deep fellowship which includes confession & *forgiveness*. But 'accountability'??

The Christian life is not sin management.

Father, Son & Spirit means Fullness, Poured-out & Poured-in. This Fullness is Poured-out for you and Poured-in to you. #EnjoyYourDay

You have nothing to bring God but weakness & failure. But this is more than acceptable through Jesus our Saviour. #EnjoyYourDay

If we define our problems so that we're the solution, we don't know how deep is our sin, guilt and helplessness.

The purpose of the law is to bring us to the point of saying "With man this is impossible, but not with God." (Matt 19)

"Most young Christians don't follow historic Christianity, but a "moralistic, therapeutic deism." (Christian Smith) >>

<< And therapists argue with moralists, all the while our deism takes us to hell.

All that harms & perverts comes from a defeated enemy. Your victorious Friend brings fullness & life- even through this harm. #EnjoyYourDay

Jesus does not hit "Snooze" on your sins, to revisit them later. He's hit "Dismiss", once and for all. #EnjoyYourDay

Whatever you've done this weekend, whatever you will do this week, God's love is as free as the sunshine. (Matt 5:45) #EnjoyYourDay

Many define sin as essentially "exalting yourself". Ok, so does Jesus at times. But what does that look like? Being a Pharisee: Luke 18:9-14

The Good Shepherd has not retired. The One who gave His life for you watches over, guides, feeds and protects you right now. #EnjoyYourDay

Good news: God has prepared good works for you to walk in today. (Try to look surprised when it happens). #EnjoyYourDay


The Father IS Love, the Son IS Grace, the Spirit IS Fellowship (2 Cor 13:14). You have everything you could ever need or want. #EnjoyYourDay

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - a pale imitation of the grace, love and communion of the triune God (2 Cor 13:14).

There's a saying in poker: If you can't spot the sucker at your table, it's you. Let's adapt it 4 the church: if u cant spot the Pharisee...

You don't just have Olympic gold in your country's name, you have the crown of life in Jesus' name (1 Cor 15:57) #EnjoyYourDay

Matt 3: Jesus might've come 2 the sinners convention 2judge, v12. It'd be amazing if He came 2baptize, v11. But He comes 2BE baptized, v13!

Jesus baptizing sinners is wonderful (Matt 3:11). But the Real grace of the gospel is Jesus *being* baptized 4 sinners

Today the Father and Son are working hard to bring life, hope and dignity (John 5:17). #EnjoyYourDay

Few know yr middle name, yr mother knows yr blood type, yr Father's numbered yr hairs. Not just supernatural knowledge - intimate knowledge.

Jesus does not wish you well on your way to heaven. He is heaven. And you're in Him. #EnjoyYourDay

When ur in Adam, he's also in you (by virtue of his flesh). When ur in Christ, He's also in you (by virtue of His Spirit).

Atheists find the virgin birth incredible, all the while believing in a virgin birth of the cosmos & of life itself.

“A man is not really convinced of a philosophic theory when he finds that something proves it... ...He is only really convinced when he finds that everything proves it” GK Chesterton

Even if He wanted to send you away, God would have to un-knit His own being to do so. #EnjoyYourDay

Reflecting on a year of devotionals at . The bulk of any imperatives taught regarded money, forgiveness & speech...  ...Do our imperatives fall in those areas? (Money, forgiveness, speech)? If not, why not?

Only just noticed in Eph 5, "love" is in the imperative but "submit" and "respect" are either indicative or subjunctive.

Jesus encamps around you, the Spirit fills you, the Father beams at you. #EnjoyYourDay

AA founded on truth "only drunks can help drunks". Perhaps our pastoral care should begin with "only Sinners can help sinners."

The Risen Lord cooks breakfast for total failures (Jn 21). He hasnt changed in 2000 years. He loves u just the same. #EnjoyYourDay

God is not just forgiving, He's Father. You're not just accepted, you're adopted. #EnjoyYourDay

Isaiah's vision of the future: "On THAT day... On THIS mountain." (Everywhere, see eg Is 25) Our home is HERE but it's not NOW.

Adoption into the life of God! Through the blood of the Son! What kind of God do we have? One who gave everything to have us! #EnjoyYourDay


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