Galatians 6
The Gospel and Mental Health
Four Evangelistic Talks from John's Gospel
God so loved the world (John 3:16)
Four Other Talks
Liberated: Can Christianity really offer freedom?
Repent and Believe the Good News (Mark 1:14-20)
Jesus Walks On Water (John 6:16-24)
Jesus Sat Down (Hebrews 10:1-18)
Gal 6.8 is very similar to Rom 8.13 where the condition on life is living by the Spirit and killing off the deeds of the flesh. This seems close to sowing to the Spirit whereby we 'reap everlasting life'. I cant agree that Gal 6.8 is about evangelism. If it was about evangelism what does 'reap everlasting life mean'? It would mean that if we engaged in evangelism we will reap everlasting life which is back to a different kind of legalism!!