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A Poem For Trinity Sunday

trinity iconPerhaps my favourite verse of Scripture - notice the roles of the three Persons:

“The Lamb at the centre of the throne will be their Shepherd. He will lead them to Streams of Living Water and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” (Revelation 7:17)


And so...


For our anxious little realm,
for the fears that overwhelm…

There is a throne.

For mistakes we can’t forget
and the sins that still beset…

We have a Lamb.

For our lost and lonely hearts,
for our gnarled and tangled paths…

We have a Shepherd.

For our dry and listless souls
and our thirst for being whole…

We have a Stream.

For regret and ravaged years,
for all sweet and bitter tears...

We have a Father.

For treks through burning sands,
To our home in promised lands,
This hope till all is done:
Our God the three-in-one.

1 thought on “A Poem For Trinity Sunday

  1. Marcia E. Smith

    I, too, dearly love that verse. Your poem gets to the heart of the matter, as it presents attributes of the Triune God.

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