Top this people “@samcallard: Been enjoying @321Gospel on top of Cadair Idris #casual #LivingTheDream @glenscrivener”
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) January 31, 2015
Some preaching offers Christ - like a meal in a restaurant. Some preaching offers 'biblical truth' - like raw ingredients at a wholesalers
If you’re a Christian you are “in Christ”. And you can’t get closer than “in”. #EnjoyYourDay
When Christians protest: "Non-Cs will Never believe/understand THREE [or TWO or ONE]" I often find it's They who don't believe/understand it
If you are in Christ, even if He wanted to send you away, God would have to un-knit His own being to do so. #EnjoyYourDay
Jesus encamps around you, the Spirit fills you, the Father beams at you. #EnjoyYourDay
The Greek mind makes vertical contrasts: ideal is above, we are below
Hebrew thinking makes horizontal contrasts: ideal is later, we are now
When we think about the visible/invisible church, is our mindset Greek or Hebrew?
Anyone who says 'Men try to fix things, women just want to talk it out' has never spoken to an older woman about child-rearing ;-)
Speaking of men trying to fix things though - the ultimate treatment:
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) January 26, 2015
The Risen Lord cooks breakfast for total failures (Jn 21). He hasnt changed in 2000 years. He loves u just the same. #EnjoyYourDay
God is not just forgiving, He’s Father. You’re not just accepted, you’re adopted. #EnjoyYourDay
Adoption into the life of God, thru the blood of the Son! What kind of God do we have? One who gave everything to have us #EnjoyYourDay
Worship is 24/7, sure, but so is marriage. Setting aside special times to enjoy it does not undermine the ongoing reality - it sustains it.
Priesthood of all believers, sure, but Christ gives different gifts and roles to *help* our corporate priestliness (Eph4:11-13; 1Pet4:10-11)
"We're saved by grace not rituals." Exactly, so take communion every chance u get & let it proclaim to u that grace that u prize.
Love this by @Roryshiner - 'Jesus was my Saviour-but-not-Lord' is bunk
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) January 28, 2015
If minds emerged from purely Darwinian processes how did we ever arrive at a Darwin? Fitness to reproduce does not equal fitness to think.
If you're looking for proof of this, ask yourself who at your high school was considered fittest to reproduce? The honours students?
The Good Shepherd has not retired. The One who gave His life 4u watches over, guides, feeds & protects u right now. #EnjoyYourDay
Good news: God has prepared good works for you to walk in today. (Try to look surprised when it happens). #EnjoyYourDay
Nice name but they got the strap line wrong. It should be "Paid, now Go"
— 321 (@321Gospel) January 29, 2015
Gnostic Gospels: Fan fiction from beyond the fringe.
Actually, as I've thought about it, it's more like Frenemy Fiction
Last night on TV I saw a genuine marriage where the celebrant said "By the power of your love for one another I pronounce you husband&wife"!
Then again, I've also seen baptisms where the minister says "On the basis of your profession of faith, I now baptise you..."!
Jesus does not wish you well on your way to heaven. He is heaven. And you’re in Him. #EnjoyYourDay
Every word of Ps119:25 articulates the nature of the flesh & the Spirit:
My soul cleaves to the dust;
Give me life according to your word.
Jesus doesn’t merely give us a legal status, He IS our legal status. And not just legal- royal and familial and...dare I go further? 2Pet1:4
We say "We need more harvest." Jesus says "You need more workers." (Matt 9:37)
Is @stephenfry right? Are parasites & other nasties proof against a good God? From p143...
— 321 (@321Gospel) January 31, 2015
On the plus side, @Stephenfry's comments remind us that we do Not worship Authority-writ-large. We too despise and reject the author of evil
For @StephenFry to treat Christianity without a Fall is not just straw-manning. It's shooting the enemy and calling him "God"
One irony regarding Fry's tirade: He rails against disease, decay and death but only ends up enthroning them as lords of the cosmos.
A much deeper irony: Fry takes aim at the author of evil and Christians rally to defend the monster.
The Father IS Love, the Son IS Grace, the Spirit IS Fellowship (2 Cor 13:14). You have everything you could ever need or want. #EnjoyYourDay
When our champion wins, we celebrate. Thank God we have the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1Cor15:57) #EnjoyYourDay
"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Ps 90:12 (Image from @FundersFounders)
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) February 10, 2015
Jesus does not hit “Snooze” on your sins, to revisit them later. He’s hit “Dismiss”, once and for all. #EnjoyYourDay
What surrounded Jesus' gospel preaching? Matt9:35-38
LOVE 4 the lost,
FAITH to see their true condition,
HOPE for a coming harvest,
All that harms & perverts comes from a defeated enemy. Your victorious Friend brings fullness & life: even thru this harm. #EnjoyYourDay
Let persecution be our context not our complex.
Arguments about the length of days in Genesis 1 don't get very far. Much better to talk about the *kind* of days they were: "good".
Father, Son & Spirit means Fullness, Poured-out & Poured-in. Divine Fullness is Poured-out for you and Poured-in to you. #EnjoyYourDay
To say "Jesus is the only way to God" is only superficially Christ-centred. Far more fundamentally: "There IS no God except the Jesus-God."
Without the eternal Word of God it's not simply that we lack the vocabulary to speak of God. Without Christ there is no God to speak about.
Some gods claim to have sympathy. We have a God with true empathy
— 321 (@321Gospel) February 6, 2015
We can’t imagine ourselves into a world w/o suffering since WE wouldn’t exist in this other world. More importantly the LAMB wouldn’t exist
The god the New Atheists decry certainly does not exist. #EnjoyYourDay
Jesus is not 'the only Way' like a bridge is the only way 2 an island. He's the only Way like a light beam is the only way 2 see the source
You have nothing to bring God but weakness & failure. Yet this is exactly what He accepts thru Jesus our Saviour #EnjoyYourDay
Whatever you’ve done this weekend, whatever you will do this week, God’s love is as free as the sunshine. (Matt 5:45) #EnjoyYourDay
Reminder to self: Videos don't go viral. People go viral.
Then I realised: everything terrible I've ever done came from deep within me, and I thought, "Sweet, let's graffiti."
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) February 9, 2015
As Abraham precedes Moses so the new covenant is older than the old. Galatians 3
Christians are new covenant not old covenant people. This means we are children of Abraham not of Moses. Galatians 3
He’s magnetic, heroic & this world’s true Champion. He knows u by name, prays 4u constantly & longs to see u face to face #EnjoyYourDay
I'm reminded yet again why I should never ask Dr Internet anything @stephen_collins
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) February 11, 2015
Before I forget, Happy Superb Owl Sunday everyone. #SuperbOwlSunday
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) February 1, 2015
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) February 3, 2015
— Glen Scrivener ن (@glenscrivener) February 3, 2015
If you like building personalised lighthouses that’s your own lookout.
At our bespoke undertakers, our motto is: It’s Your Funeral
Marmalade: for when life hands you marmals
I respect the makers of colonnades even more when I remember what life has handed them.
Cuba’s big problem has been finding a successor to Castro but no one wants to play second Fidel
I told them "You must stop snorting marijuana" because sometimes you have to say what's right even if it puts joints out of noses.
Your list of passive-aggressive tactics made a glaring omission
If it's all the same to you I'll call you a monist
If it means nothing to you I'll call you Niall
The Spanish must be constantly overwhelmed by their todo lists
Let the dish run away with the spoon, it's the fork that counts.
-I've had no help in thinking up a girl's name.
-Sure, or handle, appellation, sobriquet, whatever. I'm just saying noone's helped
I just made a bad karma joke. It got what it deserved
Warning: there are some bad karma jokes going around
"There's only 1 word to describe my failed attempt at a prosthetic testicle" Shambolic.
Is it worth catching up with the #GreatBritishSewingBee if I haven't seen Great British Sewing A?
I like comparing historical periods now and then
Face facts people: the average Briton is mean
In gritty Channel 4 documentaries, 8 out of 10 youths say they refuse to become a statistic.
Compulsive talking is a bore I must say
This guy has really let himself go
— Scrivolity (@scrivolity) January 26, 2015
Dance like no one is watching. Humanity has been annihilated. Flakes of ash fall from a black sky. You are literally alone. Dance.
— Viktor Winetrout, Jr (@Cpin42) August 15, 2014