You might have heard me (or others!!) bang this drum before. But if not, here's a 25 minute evangelistic talk entitled "Which God don't you believe in?"
Colossians 1:15-23
Three thought prompter questions...
What do you picture when you think of God?
What do you picture when you think of Jesus?
What does God picture when He thinks of you?
When you think of God…?
Problem - v15: He's invisible. Which means unknowable!
There's been a divorce- v21.
But there's an Image: Jesus.
This is the reverse of natural thinking
We think God is obvious, we're unsure of Jesus.
Bibles says, Jesus is on show, God is unknown.
God is Jesus shaped.
When you picture Jesus...?
V15-20 What kind of God is this!?
Climaxing in the cross.
Jesus is God sized.
When God pictures you…?
Not dimmer switch. On or off.
V21: OFF - going against the grain of reality
V22: ON - holy, without blemish, free from accusation.
Have you been reconciled?
Have you forgotten Jesus?
Every day I imagine an unChristlike God on the throne.
Let's return to the God of Jesus.
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