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follow-jesusThough He disgusted many, Jesus was never disgusted. He's not ashamed to be your Brother and to bring you to His Father #EnjoyYourDay

#Acts15 Legalism festers at home till the light of the gospel shines abroad. Life-giving mission always exposes life-sapping theology.

Why Christmas? 1 answer: So "He can deal gently with the ignorant & wayward since He Himself is beset with weakness." (Heb5:2) #EnjoyYourDay

If we took our idea of The Judge from the book of Judges what wd we conclude? He's our brother rising up to destroy our enemies & bring rest

God justifies the wicked who, without works, simply trust Jesus. Rom 4:5. Wickedness does not disbar, it qualifies you #EnjoyYourDay

He's the Bread of life, born to be consumed. Why else would you put Him in a feeding trough? #EnjoyYourDay

#MayanChristmasSong Apocalypso Carol

Christians are 8th day people. We always live beyond the old world, beyond the old time-frame.

#christmasremakes Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Baubles

@glenscrivener Tinsel, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, surely? #christmasremakes

@RedDragonStar No I considered and rejected that option on account of it not containing baubles. #christmasremakes

#christmasremakes Crouching Tiger, Hidden Donkey

#christmasremakes Rebel Without A Claus -- I *hate* myself for this one.

#christmasremakes Being John Melchior

#christmasremakes Indiana Jones and the Temple of Gluvine

#christmasremakes When Harry Met Santa

#christmasremakes Close Encounters of the Mulled Wine

#christmasremakes Apocalypse Sprout

Today 'love' is abt finding "one person in particular who will spare us any need for people in general" @alaindebotton

Jesus was not a tourist. He took all we are & then all that belongs to us: sin & wrath included. He's ours: flesh *and* blood #EnjoyYourDay

God in a manger / Defenceless, enfleshed / Immanuel crying / And fighting for breath

God in a manger / Wriggling and raw / Stranded on wood / Enthroned on the straw.

God at Golgotha / Pierced in His flesh / Immanuel crying / And fighting for breath

God at Golgotha / Forsaken and lost / Stranded on wood / Enthroned on the cross

There's no higher view of humanity than the Word become flesh. Have a very carnal Christmas ;)

What's more dangerous, the gun or the myth that a gun-owner is part of the *solution* to violence? @NRA

.@NRA At the 1st Christmas, Jesus showed up 2 a genocide unarmed. He's the place where the violence ends & His people are to follow

"The Life has appeared. We have seen it & proclaim 2u the eternal life which was with the Father." 1John1 #EnjoyYourDay #HappyChristmas

Nice little update of the nativity from today's Guardian: here

In the battle between Light and darkness, the Light has arrived. No contest! #EnjoyYourDay

“I've seen the misery of my people, heard their cries & am concerned 4 their suffering so I've come down 2 rescue them" Ex3 #EnjoyYourDay

ET's last word to Drew Barrymore was law: "Be Good!" No wonder she went off the rails. #ET

The sevenfold promise of the LORD to His enslaved people: "I will bring u out from under the yoke, I will free u, I will redeem u...

...I will take u as my own people & I will be yr God. I will bring u2 the promised land, I will give it 2u as a possession." Ex6 #EnjoyYourDay

The bible doesn't say "Fall" it says Death, Curse, Exile. "Fall" is in grave danger of dualism. "East of Eden" tells a different story.

Just gorgeous: What Are You Doing New Years Eve? by Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-L...:

Turning over a new leaf? Ur 2000 years too late. A whole new world born from the virgin womb & virgin tomb: yours 4 free #EnjoyYourDay

So the answer to locating change in your one-off resolutions is to locate it in your ongoing resolutions? … @PaulTripp

No need for you to make a beginning. Christ is "the Beginning" (Col 1:18). In Him all things are forever new. #EnjoyYourYear

No need to dwell on 2012. And nothing to prove in 2013. #EnjoyYourYear

It's a New Year but @mike_reeves is banging the same old 'Trinity' drum …

It's the one thing we must do now that we cannot do in eternity: Suffer bogus motivations towards mission

<< Witness to Christ is part and parcel of eternal life. Living it now is heavenly. It's the shape of God, His Word, His Life, His people.

Rejoice Gok, Rejoice! For She has an hourglass figure and You have A Belt! #EveryGokWanShow

Because of resurrection, the worst thing is never the last thing.#EnjoyYourDay

Preachers tell me my no. 1 problem is self-rule but, gotta say, I experience it as slavery & self-sabotage, how bout u? LINK

'This is the love of the cross... which does not find good but confers good upon the bad.' Luther. The cross crucifies a theology of glory

Job 19: Not a Replacer, a Redeemer. Not in the clouds, on earth. Not as spirit, in my flesh: "I will see Him." #EnjoyYourDay

Saved from slavery, enduring a wilderness time of trial, headed for the land of promise. @danhames nails it HERE

Here's a tip guaranteed to add 30% to any metric of success... Get the figure from An Evangelist

2 thoughts on “More Tweets

  1. Cal

    "If we took our idea of The Judge from the book of Judges what wd we conclude? He’s our brother rising up to destroy our enemies & bring rest"

    This is a good one. I think too many when they hear 'Judge' think more of Judge Dredd than Judge Jesus. "I AM THE GRACE!"

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