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321 – A Kids Song

Thanks to Fanny Crosby

Three tethered togather forever as one,
The Father and Spirit embracing the Son,
Before and beyond and beneath and above,
Our God is a Family united in love.

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the peoples rejoice!
O come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
Be filled by the Spirit with all Christ has done.

The world is a story that’s written by two:
King Adam fell badly, King Jesus renewed.
First Adam brought darkness and death and a curse,
But Jesus came second – the fall to reverse.

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the peoples rejoice!
O come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
Be filled by the Spirit with all Christ has done.

First born into Adam but now we can be
United to Jesus, adopted, set free.
As one with the Son we are given new birth,
His Father, His Spirit and heaven on earth!

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the peoples rejoice!
O Come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
Be filled by the Spirit with all Christ has done.

9 thoughts on “321 – A Kids Song

  1. Pingback: Latest Links | blog of dan

  2. Glen

    Thanks Tim - yeah apart from a few more simplified phrases, it's not particularly "kiddy" - it's just that a Sunday School teacher asked me to write something child-friendly and this is what I came up with.

  3. Tim Coomar

    Haha. Good luck with that.

    At any rate, I have just printed it out and put it on file for three year's time when our child, God-willing, will be able to speak and sing to his/her (we find out next week) Lord Jesus who brings him/her to the Father by the Spirit. Praise the Lord!

    (No point in trying to sing it before that as every one else around here seems to speak this funny foreign language and it would be all 'Greek' to them)... ;-)

  4. Glen

    Congratulations! Brilliant news :)

    In three years eh? Maybe we'll have begun some more trinitarian Sunday School curriculums by then!

  5. Pingback: 321 – A Children’s Song About the Trinity

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