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Happy Friday – Hap…py Freiiijayee – Happy Freiijayee











Ok, I gotta stop now. But you can view all 191 here.


Big thanks to Larry for the tip off!

2 thoughts on “Happy Friday – Hap…py Freiiijayee – Happy Freiijayee

  1. Si Hollett

    Funnish to begin with, gets rather samey after a while.

    This guy often sounds as if he doesn't care, and does such weird attempts, it's clear that he's not even bothering to get it right.

    Neither self or subject are taken seriously - needs at least one of them to be truly funny. Either has to be someone failing to pronounce something easy completely seriously, and the joke's on him, or someone giving plausible but wrong pronunciations so the joke's on pronunciation guides (eg saying that through is pronounced 'fruff', tough 'towe', women as 'woe-men').

    Or best of all get Brian Butterfield to do it - you get both the joke on him and the joke on pronunciation guides.

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