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One Minute Videos

Recently we filmed some 1 minute videos for UCB.  Here's one:

Contrary to that screen-shot, at no point do I say "Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough."

I didn't massively plan what I was going to say, but these were the topics that came out when a camera was pointed at me:


Christ our High Priest

Christ our Sacrifice

Turn the other cheek

The glory of Jesus

How to picture God

True holiness

Heading for a happy ending

The King's Jubilee

The Lamb at the centre of the throne

Our marriage union to Jesus

God our Father

His arms are open to you

They can all be found here.


Coincidentally, on that page I just found some other sermon videos of me...

Big Questions: Does God even exist?

Big Questions: Why does God allow suffering?

Big Questions: Aren't all religions basically the same?

Big Questions: Why doesn't God accept all people in the end?

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